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Troth is a Tiefling Monk and one of the three player characters in the (K)nights MaxFunDrive bonus campaign. She is played by Justin McElroy. She is described as having horns and a big massive and awesome tail, and she wears commoner's rags.

By nature Troth finds it difficult to rely on others, thus she adopted a virtue name that means faith or loyalty to remind herself to be trustful of others.


Early Life[]

Troth was abandoned at the doorstep of a monastery by her parents. The monks of the monastery then reluctantly trained her in their arts. Due to her childhood in the monastery, she is part of the Children of Eldath who help those in need within Underton. Due to her upbringing in the monastery, Troth doesn't know a lot about magical technology which causes her to act with fear towards it.

Powers and Abilities[]

Troth is a monk whose Monastic Tradition is The Way of the Open Hand. Being a monk, she is great at punching things really hard. She is very good at identifying tiles, having lived in a monastery with lots of tiles for most of her life. She can deflect and grab projectiles, and slow herself while falling. She is also a competent woman.

Racial Abilities[]

Troth, being a tiefling, has access to the spell, Hellish Rebuke.


Starting at Level 2, Troth can use her ki points to perform the following features:

  • Flurry of Blows
  • Patient Defense
  • Step of the Wind


Items both currently owned and lost by Troth.

Current Items[]

These are items currently within Troth's possession as of the most recent episode.

Item Episode Acquired Item Type Notes


The Adventure Zone MaxFunDrive Bonus 2016 Armor/Clothing
Steam-powered Gauntlet The Adventure Zone MaxFunDrive Bonus 2016 Enchanted/Haunted

Item; Armor/Clothing

Found in The Gauntlet; +5 to strength saving throws, as well as +2 to strength.
Oxen Belt The Adventure Zone MaxFunDrive Bonus 2016 Enchanted/Haunted

Item; Armor/Clothing

Found in The Gauntlet; Gives +10 to Strength checks once, daily.

Former Items[]

These are items which were lost or given away.

Item Episode Acquired Episode Lost Item Type Notes
Black Crystal The Adventure Zone MaxFunDrive Bonus 2016 The Adventure Zone MaxFunDrive Bonus 2017 Magical Artifact Gives +5 to Stealth for 15 minutes, daily. Given back to The Beasts of the Ring after her time in The Gauntlet.
Quarterstaff The Adventure Zone MaxFunDrive Bonus 2016 The Adventure Zone MaxFunDrive Bonus 2017 Part 2 Weapon Left behind so it could bar the doors to the prison.


  • Troth's solution to Lenny being annoying is usually a punch to the throat.
  • Her name means, "faith or loyalty when pledged in a solemn agreement or undertaking".
  • Troth appears in Adventure Zone: Balance (Stolen Century arc) on the same world that (K)nights takes place in. She is in robot form, guarding a large crystal. She also appears briefly in the final battle when Magnus summons her through the Bond Engine.