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Here there be spoilers!
Proceed at your own risk if you have not yet listened to Episode 19 and beyond. |
The Commodore is a naval hero, prized by the Heroic Oversight Guild.
The Commodore served as liaison for the navy to the Mariah, a privateer ship commanded by captain Shebrie Keene. Out of jealousy at her success he betrayed Shebrie and the rest of her crew; responsible for setting up an ambush which ultimately led to her death.
Argo Keene, son of Shebrie, strived to become close to the Commodore through Hieronymous Wiggenstaff's School for Heroism and Villainy's sidekick program - but only so he could one day murder the renowned naval hero and avenge his mother. Despite Argo's resentment remaining mostly internal in his tense confrontation with the Commodore in The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 21: Loose Lips, Sunk Ships, the Commodore seemed to suspect that Argo was planning some form of revenge on him regardless. He was revealed to be the the most senior member of The Unbroken Chain in The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 22: Open and Shut, as he was present and head of the tribunal interrogating Argo, Fitzroy, and the Firbolg.
The Commodore has repeatedly patronized Argo by referring to him as spray, a largely negative racial term relating to the Genasi. It is currently unclear whether or not he uses the term to refer to all Genasi or simply to get under Argo's skin.
His true name is Don Diego de la Vega. The Commodore is a Nua nobleman of undefined and undescribed by the GM descent, living in TAZ during the era of Vart rule. He is a masked naval hero who attacks commoners and probably has derogatory ideas about centaurs.
Argo killed this bitch, and it felt great.