Transcript by the lovely volunteers at TAZscripts.
Griffin: Previously, on the Adventure Zone…
- Barclay: Moira, we need to get ourselves a magical, intangible weapon. I’m thinking it’s time our friends here met the Enchanter.
- Moira: I know you’re searching for answers about the origins of the magic that dwells within you. If you have the time you may find it prudent to inquire about your abilities while in Sylvane.
- Vincent: I understand, you need to see the Enchanter. And I must also insist that you make your introductions to the Interpreter as is custom for those who serve to protect Sylvane from the world beyond.
Griffin: A massive shape lifts up from the darkness below you. It is an unthinkably gigantic gray anthropomorphic cat, and it says,
- Cat: The people of this world know me as the Enchanter. You may call me by my name. I… am Heathcliff.
[others laugh]
[Theme music (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty Theme by Griffin McElroy) plays]
[Heathcliff by Griffin McElroy begins]
Griffin: So the three of you are standing in front of a chasm underneath this city. The air is still, there’s just this sound of water dripping from the catacombs behind you and the purring of this enormous gray cat with a white patch of fur on its gargantuan belly in front of you. And Heathcliff says,
- Heathcliff: I prefer to keep my dealings clean and concise, but I can assume that with your current knowledge of Sylvane being what it is, that would be quite impossible, so, I have what you need and you have what I want, and I do not want this interaction to be interrupted by your ceaseless questions—
- Aubrey: Fluffy!
- Heathcliff: Yes, much like that, so maybe we could get through this quickly—
- Aubrey: Fluffyyy!
- Heathcliff: Before we move on: yes, I’m a gigantic cat. No, you may not pet me. You may not pet me.
- Aubrey: Who’s a good kitty?
- Heathcliff: No, you may not pet me. I just met you. Any other questions before we start?
- Duck: I have one sort of query that ends in an interrobang: A talking cat?!
- Heathcliff: Yeah. Get used to it, mister, I’m breaking all the rules over here— I talk, yes; I’m the size of a moderately-sized building, yes, that too— I defy expectations in so many ways, but you’ve decided to settle on my power of speech, so that’s sort of your bag.
- Duck: So, what’re you doing down here?
- Heathcliff: Well, I’m a little too big to fit anywhere topside, aren’t I?
- Duck: Well, that’s a fun kind of way of dodging my question. What do you do?
- Heathcliff: I find myself surrounded down here by the light of Sylvane in its purest, rawest, most potent form, and so I spend most of my time down here tinkering around with that power. That’s why they call me the enchanter, you see, and that is what has brought you to me today. I assume you seek my services to empower one of your pieces of equipment or perhaps generate a new one for you, as the case may be. I’m assuming that the three of you are human, based on the fact that you do not have fur or fangs or— you are not spectral or see-through in any way and thus therefore are hunting monsters on the other side. I know a little bit about the way of world, so I assume that’s the situation. I assume you seek the same arrangement that I have maintained with the other members of the Pine Guard.
Travis: Griffin, I don’t mean to give you notes, but is it too late to make Heathcliff speak in rhyme?
Griffin: Hmm.
Clint: Hmm.
Travis: ‘Cause it really feels like…
[Clint chuckles]
Griffin: Mmm…
Travis: It really feels like it would take it over the top for me…
- Heathcliff: I will do you something magic, in a way that—
Griffin: No, I’m not gonna do that, it’s—
Travis: Okay, but if you see the opportunity for it, will you take it?
Griffin: I will take it, I promise.
Justin: Yeah, like, more rhymes than the average person.
Travis: Yes, yes, yes!
Griffin: [high-pitched voice] What about a riddle?
Travis: Ooh! I’ll take a riddle!
- Heathcliff: Any other questions before we move on? Again, I do not wanna be interrupted.
- Aubrey: So…
Travis: I have to remember, it’s been so long…
Griffin: It’s been a month.
- Aubrey: So, do we just, like, ask you for stuff? And you, like, give it to us?
- Heathcliff: I mean, I’m not a mindreader, I’m a cat!
- Aubrey: Yeah, we’ll say it out loud, like, I would say “I would like a magic wand!” and you would be like “Yeah!” and hand me one?
- Heathcliff: I wouldn’t hand you one, I’d generate you one from the Ether, summoning it from the blackest depths of Sylvane, but yeah, that could be how the arrangement works. You ask, and I shall provide.
- Duck: Yeah, I got a request. Do you do exchanges?
[Clint laughs]
- Heathcliff: I’m curious to hear what you think would satisfy my mysterious needs.
- Duck: Trade ‘em ups? I got this sword, and I would love to trade it for… anything? A nice whip? And when I say a nice whip, I mean a good quality one, but also one that is of a gentle, caring spirit. Y’know, just a nice, kind whip—
Travis: “Supportive…”
- Duck: Supportive… won’t be, like, sort of picking at me… constantly. If you have anything, I would love to trade you, and I can kick in… um…
[paper rustling]
- Duck: $17.
- Heathcliff: I have no need for—
- Duck: Hey, that’s Earth money, cousin! All right?
- Heathcliff: I’m not familiar with what the exchange rate stands at right now, [Duck: It’s good.] but I won’t be needing that. I am curious about the sword, though.
Griffin: And he extends his gigantic furry paw, and places it on the ledge that the three of you are standing on and says—
- Duck: Ah, shit!
- Heathcliff: Oh, I’m not— don’t worry, I’m… declawed. Do you mind if I examine your blade?
- Beacon: Oh, Duck Newton, this is adorable. A lover’s quarrel, eh, Duck?
- Duck: Shut up, Beacon. Jesus Christ. Here, this is the sword, please, anything you got! Here!
Griffin: You hand the sword over to Heathcliff, who raises his paw up to his face and examines it for a moment. He actually takes out a little eyeglass, like a little jeweler’s eyeglass, and examines it very very closely. And he smiles and hands it back to you and he says,
- Heathcliff: This weapon is quite curious! Sorry, what was your name?
- Duck: Yeah, I’m Duck Newton, it’s a nickname. I’m on the Forestry Service for the Monongahela State Forest, and also, I guess… the Pine Guard.
Travis: Have we ever learned Duck’s real name?
Griffin: I don’t think so. That’s finale material.
Travis: Okay, ‘cause I would like to pitch Ruchard?
Griffin: Ruchard is— Justin, simmer on that, okay?
Travis: ‘Cause, it’s like how Dick is short for Richard, and Duck is short for Ruchard.
Griffin: Oh, that’s quite good, yeah.
Travis: Thank you.
Griffin: He says:
- Heathcliff: This weapon is indeed, uh… it is imbued with magic, but it is not our magic. This is a curious artifact, Earthling. I would be happy to take it off your hands, provided your ask is fair.
- Duck: Whaddaya mean?
- Heathcliff: What would you require from me for— in exchange? Other than— would a really good whip really do it?
- Duck: Like a NI— I mean it would have to be a choice— aw man. Yeah. I’m losing my nerve… ‘cause Minerva— Oooh! [Clint: Oooh!] Unintentional, but um. Minerva gave it to me and I figure she probably had her reasons. I was acting impulsively, [Travis laughs] Heathcliff, I apologize.
- Heathcliff: Hmm. Okay.
- Ned: And all you need is Minerva to come here, see it hanging on the wall, all of a sudden there’s bad juju with you guys— Yeah, you don’t want that.
- Duck: Right. “Hey, Duck, I’d love to see your great sword. Can you show it to me real quick.” And I do a thing where I’m like “Yeah, it’s in the bathroom, hold on let me go get it.” And then she would go to the bathroom and the window’d be open and I’d be trucking it down the street. Oh call me [inaudible] slamming door farce, we used to call me in college. So, anyway, I’m sorry. I’ve wasted a lot of your time, giant cat, and I’m real sorry about it.
- Heathcliff: It’s quite all right. I’m deeply curious about your blade, maybe someday we can find an arrangement—
- Duck: I would think you’d be extra careful with being curious there, I’d imagine that goes triple for a kitty of your size, eh?
- Heathcliff: Yeah, that is a good point. I do not have many opportunities to be curious down here in the—
- Duck: Probably safer.
- Heathcliff: Yes, quite. So, you mentioned an elemental you seek to slay and I do not know of this elemental of which you speak but if you need to destroy something intangible, it would make sense that you require a weapon that can attack intangibly. This is kitten’s play. You there, the old one. [Ned: Hmm?] I see there you have a primitive Earth revolver, it is a thing of complete ugliness, but I can give it an arcane makeover the likes of which you’ve never seen if you wish.
- Ned: Well, first of all, let me explain. This gun was once owned by Eliot Ness, the famous G-Man and I borrowed it from, uh, a museum. But this is quite a collector’s piece, so what are you suggesting?
- Heathcliff: I magic it up, my man. I do some magic on it. Unless you have something else you’d like me to enchant?
- Ned: [nervous hum] Now, what’s all this going to cost us?
- Heathcliff: I sense upon you an item I have desired for quite some time. The earrings once belonging to Moira. I have admired these pendulous beauties for many years before her exile from this place, a subject I am not at liberty to go on about.
- Ned: I’m not exactly sure I know what you’re talking about.
- Duck: We’ll trade you the earrings. That’s fine.
- Ned: Well, Duck! I don’t— Duck! Duck! [crosstalk]
- Aubrey: [crosstalk] Hold on! We’ll trade you one earring for that.
- Heathcliff: I’ll make you a deal: You hand me over Moira’s earrings, which I have not seen since she was exiled and I could not possibly— Dish the goss [gossip] on this one, do not press me on it. I hate the goss, and I think it is disgusting—
- Aubrey: Can I stop you right there? [Heathcliff: Yes] It kind of sounds like you want to dish the goss.
- Heathcliff: I would never dish the goss. [crosstalk] I would never dish the goss.
- Aubrey: Ohhh, Heathcliff.
- Heathcliff: Tell you what, you hand me over both earrings, I will count them as two gifts to me and therefore will increase the potency of the magicks I imbue your tools with.
- Ned: What do you guys think?
- Aubrey: Does Ned get one, and I get one, and Duck gets one, or what’s the deal here?
- Heathcliff: Oh, there’s no need for me to be that prudent, I’m just chock-a-block full of magic so each of you will receive a gift.
- Duck: Oh, hell yeah. Do it, give him the earrings. What do we care? We didn’t even know about him forty-five minutes ago.
- Ned: All right, how about—
- Aubrey: He makes an excellent point.
- Ned: All right! Here, here, earrings! Here there are! They are really lustrous, so try not to schmooze them up with your cat fur.
- Heathcliff: No need to be mean.
Griffin: So I have devised a sort of new way of doing the Fantasy Costco item acquisition stuff for Monster of the Week. Which I kinda had to do because it is not nearly an item-rich game as D&D was, right? And D&D could just be like “Oh, you found a more powerful sword and you found a ring that can freeze time or, y’know, whatever.” And that’s not really how Monster of the Week operates so instead, [Roll20 image send sound] I came up with a new rule. Oh Jesus Christ, this is [Clint: Hmm...] this did not come out—
Travis: Well, hold on, can you share it as a doc with us, perhaps?
Griffin: Yeah. How this is going to work. In the future, at the beginning of each new sort of arc here in Amnesty, the three of you will receive a letter from Heathcliff. And that letter will contain a hit-list of three Earth items that he wants. And all three of them will be available at some point during your hunt, but it will often require you to put yourself in harm’s way or a risky situation or something to acquire them.
These will be kind of like sidequests, so I’m not intending you to just be like “Okay, well I’m going to the— Y’know, I’m gonna rob a bank or something so I can get the magic diamond that he needs.” They will be sort of organically in— I will find a way to work these organically into the hunt, it’s just up to you whether or not you want to like take the risk to get them.
So that adds sort of a natural complication to things. Every item that you bring back to him, you will gain +1 on a roll that you do when you visit Heathcliff. So, for instance, if you recover all three items you would roll 2d6+3 when doing this Acquisition roll.
And then, from there, you can either enchant a piece of gear that you already have and make it better. Or you can summon a new piece of gear which won’t be as dope as the pre-existing piece of gear that you already had, that you enchanted, but it will still be a new thing that you can use. And that works with Gear Tags which is a mechanic in Monster of the Week, which your gear already has, like: one harm, two harm, area. I think Beacon attacks in an area, that’s a tag, fire is a tag.
All the tags are sort of— they inform the narrative, they inform what these pieces of gear can do. So on a really good roll you tell Heathcliff, “Oh, I want my sword to have fire on it,” and then you roll and if you roll well then it has it, if you roll a seven to nine you get that tag but you also get a “bad tag” that will complicate that weapon.
If you fail, it gives me narrative tools to use against you. And then if you fail completely, rather than just doing the normal, “You fail and you get one XP,” because this is sort of a high-stakes roll, if you fail this one you actually get two XP, so you still, like, get a nice little boost even if you fuck up. But basically, the more items you recover off Heathcliff’s hit-list, the better chance you have to get a better item. Does that make sense?
Clint: Yeah!
Justin: Yep!
Travis: Yes.
Griffin: So, those are the rules, Ned, do you want to start?
- Ned: Absolutely! I believe I would like you to enchant something I already have.
- Heathcliff: Okay, let’s have it then.
- Aubrey: His butt!
- Ned: Well—
- Heathcliff: You want an ench— I think it's already quite enchanting!
- Ned: Than— [Aubrey: Awwww…] Well, thanks? Um, when we discovered we were dealing with something mostly made of water I thought of this item, which I obtained a number of years ago from a man named Reyn Guyer. He's the man who invented—
Clint: And I open up my coat.
- Ned: —the NERF gun. And I want you to enchant this NERF gun that I acquired. It's a very historical piece, very, very sought after. And I thought, perhaps, you could enchant this NERF because, hey, what better against something that's made of water than NERF darts.
- Heathcliff: [sarcastic] Yeah, can’t fault your logic there. Uh, that completely [Duck: I can.] holds up to— no, it holds up completely to any level of scrutiny or logic. You want me to enchant your NERF gun, and not your gun gun?
- Ned: Yeah! The gun gun doesn't do shit against water things.
- Heathcliff: [sarcastic] No, it needs NERF, no, definitely [crosstalk] the power of NERF.
- Ned: [crosstalk] And it has to have NERF. So, maybe—
- Aubrey: Well, if it ain't NERF…
- Ned: It's nothin’!
- Aubrey: Exactly!
- Ned: Maybe it could shoot harder, maybe? Uhh, maybe—
- Duck: Like a really hard-hitting NERF [Ned: Yeah!] Blaster.
- Ned: Yeah.
- Aubrey: Or you could just put a push-pin in it— In the darts. That really hurts, y’know what I mean?
- Heathcliff: Yeah. You were a nasty kid, huh?
- Aubrey: [proudly] Yep!
- Heathcliff: Okay, I love this. I've enchanted so many things, nobody has thought to bring me a NERF gun, [Ned: Thank you.] um, for obvious reasons. I could give it a magical enchantment that could turn it into the weapon that you desire. Um—
- Ned: Awesome!
- Heathcliff: Hand it right over.
Griffin: And he extends his paw.
- Ned: Here ya go!
Griffin: What's it look like? What kind of— Cause there's lots of different types of NERF guns, and I don't think we have to be historically accurate (crosstalk) here but...
Clint: (crosstalk) It’s the NERF— It’s the NERF Blaster. It kind of looks a little bit like a shotgun, almost.
Griffin: Okay, cool. Um, what’s it—
Justin: I just feel like we're not being cognizant enough of our merchandising opportunities.
Griffin: No, this is amazing—
Justin: You said it looks like a NERF Blaster [Griffin chuckles] then that’s on sale [crosstalk, unintelligible]
Clint: [crosstalk] But it’s not gonna look it after he's done enchanting it, though. Then it’ll [crosstalk] look like—
Griffin: [crosstalk] It's not?
Travis: [crosstalk] Woah…
Clint: —whatever we can manufacture on the cheap and sell.
Travis: A NARF Blaster!
Griffin: It’s BERF! [Travis laughs] Um..
Clint: NERPH. N-E-R-P-H. [Laughs]
Justin: “It’s BERF or Bothin’!”
Griffin: All right, let’s enchant this thing. So, because you [Justin laughs] handed over what counted as two individual earrings, it'll be plus two on this Acquisition roll.
Justin: [gasp] The enchantment, it's changing the branding! [Clint laughs] It’s unlicensed! It's ready for sale! “It’s BERF or Bothin’”!
Griffin: Go ahead and roll 2d6, mac.
Clint: Ooohh…
Griffin: Holy shit. So that is a nine plus two, eleven!
Clint: Yeah!
Griffin: Okay, I think the tag that works here is “magic” if you want this thing to hurt this water monster. Okay, so he takes your NERF Blaster, your BAR— your BERF [Clint: BERF.] Blaster, and descends— I think I like NARF way better, actually. He takes your NARF Blaster and descends down into the depths, and he’s down there for a few moments and there is a gust of wind and a blast of light from down in the depths that shoots forward to the ceiling of this chamber. And you hear this loud screeching meow from down there and then Heathcliff comes back up and he hands you back your enchanted NARF Blaster.
Uh, the barrel where the shotgun, I guess, balls were previously stored is now this cylinder of what looks like blue stone that is, like, crackling with energy, and it's vaguely in the shape of the chamber that was in there but now it is this sort of magical power device, uh, in the center of your NARF Blaster. And, uh, now it possesses the tag “magic”. Go ahead and— what is your— I think your revolver does two harm. I think this, just to keep it consistent, is a two harm magic [Clint: Umm...] NARF Blaster.
Clint: Is it “close”? ‘Cus “close” is another tag on the .38, but—
Griffin: No, I think this would be whatever the next one is up from “close”, I think—
Travis: Medium.
Griffin: Medium, yeah. I’ll figure out the exact word later.
Clint: Okay, cool.
- Ned: I love it!
Griffin: He says,
- Heathcliff: Okay, that one was tricky because it was a toy for a baby, but, um—
- Aubrey: [offended] Woah! NARF is for big kids!
- Heathcliff: You're right, sorry, it's a big kid toy. Um, do either of you— the rest of you have something you would like?
- Aubrey: Yes, Mr. Heathcliff.
Travis: And, i’m gonna be honest with y’all, I just raised my hand sitting here. Me, Travis. [Clint laughs] What’s the matter with me? Yeah, I don’t— okay.
- Aubrey: I have kept running into a problem with this elemental. I can do fire magic really good and fire magic doesn't seem to be hurting this water thing. I would like to do ice, please.
- Heathcliff: Now, wait just a moment. You're an earthling, right?
- Aubrey: Yeah.
- Heathcliff: Why can you do fire magic?
- Aubrey: Don't know.
Justin: A NERFling?
- Aubrey: I’m a NERFling!
[Justin chuckles]
Griffin: He eyes you over. He actually lowers his huge face right next to you, and I think you get a better sense of his scale at this point, because his head alone is, like, three times your height. And he leans back and he says,
- Heathcliff: [puzzled] You are full of Sylvane’s power.
- Aubrey: I had a big meal when I got here?
- Heathcliff: No, that’s— I don’t know how you were so infused if you were born on Earth, but that… that is what I see, I can see it as plain as the stars in the sky. Well, if we were above ground, I mean. [Aubrey: Uh-huh.] I can see it as plain as that guy’s hat. I see, though, you want ice magic. Hm. I’m afraid my mastery of the elements is somewhat limited; ironically, I, too, can work in fire. Ice is a little bit above my pay grade. I apologize for the shortcoming, if you have another idea in mind, I can see what I can do.
- Aubrey: Okay. I draw a lot of attention with my magic? Anything that would, like, protect me would be great? For when things inevitably get pissed.
- Heathcliff: Hmm. I tell you what I can do. I can provide you a limited amount of stealth if you so desire, to one of your garments.
- Aubrey: Eh, I don’t really sneak, but if you could just, like, make my jacket magic, that would be great! Something that makes my jacket protect me or something?
- Heathcliff: I can make that happen. Lemme see what I can do.
Griffin: And he sticks his paw out.
Travis: And Aubrey hands over her sick ass leather jacket. It’s sleeveless. In case anyone was wondering, it is sleeveless, it’s really badass.
Griffin: That’s a vest!
Justin: That’s a vest.
[Clint laughs]
Travis: Well, it was a jacket at one point in its life, y’know what I mean?
Griffin: Okay. Go ahead and roll Acquisition for me.
Travis: What was it, I can’t see it. Well, that’s not great.
Griffin: It is a seven, plus two is a nine.
Travis: Or is it a 10?
Griffin: No, it’s a 9. You can’t roll twice, my friend. So, with a mixed success on an Enchantment roll, your chosen tag, which would be 1 Armor, does get applied, but I get to pick a negative tag that I can put on it. [amused] I’ve got a good one. He rises back from the depths after the same sort of flash and meow, the whole production, and he hands you your sleeveless jacket. And as he opens up his palm, you see that— what is it made out of? Denim, I think you said earlier?
Travis: Leather. I said leather earlier, but whatever. Denim, sure, let’s go with denim. [Griffin: No, which is it?] That one makes more sense.
Justin: Denim didn’t require any sweet, sweet cows to die.
Travis: Yeah, so we’re gonna go with denim.
Griffin: Okay. Sweet moo cows, we don’t want them hurtin’. Denim, though, comes from the denim… horse, and lots of them got got.
Justin: [imitating a horse] I’m supple!
Travis: Denim horses are assholes.
Griffin: This is denim flayed from Ted Nugent, so that’s great, actually. He hands you back your denim jacket, and there are threads of just sort of bright red shimmering… well, thread, now coursing through this jacket as he hands it to you, and he says,
- Heathcliff: Well, um, it is going to afford you some protection. I'm not entirely sure it'll be the most discreet garment around, but, uh, here ya have it!
Griffin: And he hands you back the jacket.
Travis: How sooo?
Griffin: I've given it the negative tag, “loud”. Loud enough that it draws attention. This is a— [Travis: Oh, cool.] this is a loud garment. It is loud, sort of, visually speaking, and I think it was probably there before, what with all of its patches and buttons and stuff, but [Travis: Yeah...] now it has the tag “loud.”
- Heathcliff: And Duck, anything you require my friend?
- Duck: [blows air] You do jet packs?
- Heathcliff: [shocked] A jet pack, huhhhhh... huuuh… a jet pack?
- Duck: Mm-hmm.
- Heathcliff: I'm looking—
- Duck: You do jet packs?
- Heathcliff: Yeah, I mean, I'm think— I’m thinking.
- Duck: Just asking. I get to ask for anything, and I just— I always kinda wanted a jet pack, so I thought I'd ask.
- Heathcliff: I could— I could give you a jet pack. I make no guarantees as to whether or not it would let you fly around or not or if it would explode. I've never made a jet pack before, you gotta understand.
- Duck: Not a very— very good jet pack, really.
- Heathcliff: Alright, I’ll make you a fucking— I'll make you a fucking jet pack, my friend.
- Duck: No, but I mean if you can't promise me that it's gonna let me, like, fly and be alive then I [crosstalk] would say it sounds like—
- Heathcliff: [shouting] No, let's make a jet pack, because now I'm feeling attacked! Let's make a fucking jet pack!
- Duck: Can I actually say, I feel like I don't actually— I'm not sure I want the pressure of having [crosstalk] a jet pack.
- Heathcliff: [shouting] No, one jet pack coming right up!
- Duck: People expect big things from a man with a jetpack. That is kind of my— one of my concerns.
Griffin: He very slowly starts descending into the depths, like:
- Heathcliff: Here I goooo! [crosstalk] Jet pack—
- Duck: You gotta produce if you got a jet pack, y’know?
- Heathcliff: Jet pack time!
- Duck: I mean, if you could make a good one. [Clint laughs] You kind of spooked me— you spooked me with a little bit of the jet pack— he's gone. He's just gone down in his hole.
Griffin: If you— actually, as you peer over the edge of the chasm, you see him looking up, still, like, very slowly descending into the chasm, [Justin laughs] like,
- Heathcliff: Okay, I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna make a jet pack!
- Duck: If you could make a cool jet pack then I'll want a jet pack, but, like, you said we could ask for anything. You didn't really put any boundaries and, like, that's the thing that I would like is a jet pack, and I feel like I could make use of it. I thought about enchanting Beacon, but he probably wouldn't even let me.
- Beacon: [long pause] Yesss…
Justin: I was waiting for Beacon to respond.
Travis: God, we’re all on a certain meta-level today! Hands raised. Waiting for our own character to respond to us.
Justin: [imitating a therapist] Is Beacon there, Justin?
[Travis laughs]
Justin: [imitating a therapist] Can I talk with Beacon?
[Clint and Justin laugh]
- Duck: Do you have a really— do you have any really quiet sheaths? Just some really, really quiet sheaths?
Griffin: He pops back up–
- Heathcliff: You don't want to make the— make a jet pack? What do you want, a sheath or a jet pack? So you don't want the jet pack? Aww, I was so excited to make a jet pack. I can find a way to make you a jetpack.
- Duck: It would output a lot of fire and I don't— that would be a forest risk. It wouldn't even be a most convenient way of getting around the forest, which is kinda the main thing I was hoping for. Yeah, so— I— yeah, jetpack. But, [Clint laughs] like, a magic one and not, like, a fire one. Can you do that?
- Heathcliff: [chuckles] You're really tying my paws here. You want a jetpack but a magic one, not a fire one?
- Duck: Yeah.
- Heathcliff: You have to understand, when I create an item like this, I summon it from the ether. I have to have a crystal clear picture of it in my mind, and what you've just described is an object that doesn't exist. And yet, I just enchanted a old, old NARF gun and so I'm feeling a little feisty. I'm feeling like I'm on a hot roll right now, as nobody says. So yeah, one magic jetpack coming right up!?
Griffin: And he descends down into the chasm. Go ahead and roll Acquisition.
Justin: You watch, it's gonna be, like, a three. C’mon, big money, big money, big money! [disappointed sigh]
Griffin: That a six plus two, that's an eight.
Justin: [dejected] All right…
Griffin: He— so, uh, what Ned and Aubrey did is enchanting, uh, what you did is summoning [crosstalk] which is sort of—
Travis: [crosstalk] Thank you!
Griffin: ...different rules. [Justin chuckles] Uh, on a seven and nine, the summoning works but the item suffers during its creation. It has a positive and negative tag chosen by the Keeper and it also has “fragile” as a tag. Uh, which is just sort of a narratively focused tag that, if things go very, very wrong, it can break. Uh, but he comes up from the depths and he has kind of a confused look on his face and he's like:
- Heathcliff: I made it as good as I can. I'll say this, this is the best magic jetpack in existence.
- Duck: Thanks.
- Heathcliff: So you can feel confident about that, but, uh, here ya go!
Griffin: And he extends his paw and opens it up and you see a magic jetpack. Um, I kinda like the visual of it being like two criss cross belts that go around your chest with an apparatus on the back that does the propulsion. Because you invented this from your mind's eye, maybe you could tell me what it looks like.
Justin: Well, I'm trying to think if Duck’s— with Duck’s age, I think it is pretty close to The Rocketeer. Sort of that, like, art— a little bit of, like, Art Deco, that vibe. I don't know anything about architecture design or anything, but— yeah, that sort of, like, retro— Retro-futurism. That's the word I was looking for, thank you. Uh, that [crosstalk] sort of—
Travis: You're welcome.
Justin: That sort of vibe. Silver, two canisters that reach two points, and I feel like, from the bottom of them, there's just sort of like a blue-purple constant thrumming that just, like, makes them seem very scary. Like, ready to blow at any second.
Griffin: Okay. Yeah, I like that a lot. The tags—
Justin: I feel like Duc— it has an appearance that— as Duck sees it he makes the instant decision that it will be behind glass, “Use in case of emergencies only.”
Griffin: That is a good idea. This thing has the “fragile” tag as a result of your roll. It also has a positive and negative tag at my discretion. I'm going to give it the positive tag “quick,” which is normally reserv—
Justin: [Through laughter, sarcastic] So much better than slow jet packs.
Travis: Yeah, right.
[Clint laughs]
Travis: “Do you wanna take the jetpack?” “No, let's just walk. Are you kidding me?”
Griffin: It also has the negative tag “volatile” of course. This weapon is dangerous and unstable, or, rather, this jetpack is dangerous and unstable. So, it'll get you there and you can do some cool aerial stunts with it, but you better roll so good when you use it. So go ahead and add “magic jetpack” to your inventory there, Duck.
Justin: Alright, got it baby!
Griffin: And mark down those tags.
Justin: It’s called the “Fly Master” by the way.
Griffin: Sure, of course it is.
Justin: That's what it says on there.
Griffin: Because it has to rhyme—
Clint: -with NARF Blaster.
Griffin: Yes, all the items rhyme today. Heathcliff smiles and he takes those two earrings and he says:
- Heathcliff: Well, it seems like that's a good day of doing biz. I will see you all next time you've run into a quandary that need my magical services to assist you in.
[Heathcliff fades in]
Griffin: And he takes those two earrings and he closes his giant paw around them and gives you a little wink and then descends down into the depths with a whoosh. A magic whoosh.
{31:55-39:24 ad break}
Griffin: So Vincent has led you all back through the catacombs and onto the surface of Sylvain, back through the avenue of shops and restaurants, and across the bridge spanning the river at the center of town, right to the entrance of the castle that you spotted during your arrival. It's time to make yourselves known to the Interpreter as you sort of promised when you showed up here.
And he takes you across that bridge and you are now in the courtyard in front of this castle. It is a courtyard leading up towards a large staircase into the castle’s imposing front door. And as you walk through this courtyard you see that big orange crystal that you saw earlier up close. And, Aubrey, whatever attunement you have to magic stuff, you can feel the power radiating out of this thing. You feel a warmth coming from it. You almost feel like a sad longing emanating from it, too.
Travis: Ooh…
Griffin: All you, though, see something even more concerning at its base. There's a fleet of city guards standing in a perimeter around the crystal and they are shepherding a line of residents of Sylvain in a queue toward it. And, one by one, these residents, they reach the front of the line and they produce a slip of paper to the guards and they proceed to touch the crystal, just for several seconds, before another guard steps in to quickly usher them away. And Vincent says:
- Vincent: Uh, I would appreciate it if you would all give that crystal a wide berth.
- Aubrey: What is that?
- Vincent: Well, that's the Heart of Sylvain. It's what sustains all of us over here.
- Aubrey: What's everybody doing?
- Vincent: They're getting their allotment of life for the day. They're filling up the old tank.
Travis: Aubrey looks at Duck and Ned, like:
- Aubrey: So, what should we do, y'all feel that?
- Duck: Yeah, I don't feel anything.
- Ned: No, huh-uh.
- Aubrey: Vincent, um, I can feeeeeel the crystal. Is that normal?
- Vincent: What do you feel, Aubrey?
- Aubrey: Uh, like it wants a hug. Like, I wanna touch it.
- Vincent: You absolutely can't touch it, Aubrey.
- Aubrey: I wanna touch it, though. Like, really bad, I wanna touch it.
Griffin: Vincent has been, like, very, very affable for all of your interactions that you've had with him so far. But, when you sort of reinforce that, his demeanor changes, and he says:
- Vincent: Aubrey, you absolutely cannot touch it. I forbid it.
- Aubrey: What would happen?
- Vincent: I don't know what would happen, but—
- Duck: Seems like she can touch it then, right?
- Aubrey: If the— like, the crystal wants me to touch it, it feels sad.
Griffin: He gestures to the crowd of people waiting to touch the crystal and he says:
- Vincent: Wouldn't you be sad, seeing this?
Griffin: He says:
- Vincent: You can't touch the crystal. Earthlings are forbidden to— the crystal was damaged by, as you can see.
Griffin: And he gestures up and, sure enough, there is a huge chunk just, sort of, carved off the side of it. He says:
- Vincent: It was damaged long ago by an attack from your world against ours. That was led by humans, Aubrey. Humans are forbidden to even usually be this close to the crystal. Its power has faded since that attack. There's not enough light to go around. It is a sad state of affairs in Sylvain and it's solely because of your people, so, no, you cannot touch it. C’mon, let's go they're [crosstalk] expecting us.
- Aubrey: Aren't you curious though, like, why I can feel it?
Griffin: He sighs and he says:
- Vincent: I am, but not enough to allow something so risky, so profane. C’mon.
Griffin: And he leads you into the castle. You head into this large entrance hall, where there is a long blue carpet leading up between about a dozen pillars of carved marble lining the other side of the carpet. Each one has an armed guard stationed in front of it. And you walk down this carpet to the end of the hall where there is a large, wooden door. And he stops and he says:
- Vincent: So, I've gotta go in first. A guard will tell you when you're allowed to enter. You all seem quite pleasant, your obsession with touching the forbidden crystal aside, and I would prefer to continue working with you as the Pine Guard if possible. You would not believe some of the humans I've had to interact with over the past few decades.
- Aubrey: Ooh, dish!
- Vincent: I'm not going to dish the goss.
- Aubrey: Dish the goss!
- Vincent: I am not like that big cat downstairs.
- Aubrey: Oh, are you gossiping about the big cat?
- Vincent: Oh, you've caught me in a trap! Anyway, I like the three of you, so please be on your best behavior in there. I know how vital the work you do on Earth is for our peace to stay intact, but the rest can't be said for all Sylvan kind. Just keep a level head, you're gonna do great.
Griffin: And he gives you a big, furry thumbs up and he slips through the door and closes it behind him.
- Ned: I know one thing about Sylvain, the military has gotta be the number one employer. There's guards every whipstitch!
- Aubrey and Duck: Whipstitch?
- Ned: It’s a colloquialism.
- Aubrey: [crosstalk] Okay...
- Duck: [crosstalk] Alright.
- Aubrey: I know what Ned’s gonna say… Duck!
- Duck: Yeah?
- Aubrey: I want to touch.
- Duck: Yeah, you've made that pretty clear.
- Aubrey: Yeah, I wasn't secretive, but, maybe not right now—
- Duck: Right?
- Aubrey: —but, like, at some point you gonna help me out with that?
- Duck: Why do you need to touch it?
- Aubrey: I don't know, Duck! It's just— okay, imagine walking by, say, a tree and suddenly that tree made you, like, buzz and, like, you could feel the presence of that tree, and I mean really feel that tree. Do you think you would just be like, “Hm, cool,” and keep walking by it?
- Duck: Yeah, it doesn't exactly work like that, but I see where you're coming from.
- Aubrey: Right!
- Duck: But, um, I don't necessarily wanna get on the bad side of these fellas and ladies. It seems like kind of a dangerous thing to try. I mean, they say you shouldn't touch the crystal.
- Aubrey: I'm not gonna touch it now, and I will continue to work through the proper means to convince them to allow me to touch it.
- Duck: Yeah, I mean, if you file all the required permits--
- Aubrey: But at some point!
- Ned: No, no, that's not the way to go. Ya gotta bend the rules a little bit!
- Aubrey: No. Thank you, Granddad Devil. I knooow, at some point... [quickly] I might have to break the rules to touch that stone. And Duck, I'm gonna need you to be okay with that. I'll give you a heads up before it happens.
- Duck: Maybe the opposite. Maybe even the opposite. Maybe you just don't tell me that it's happening and maybe [Aubrey: Okay.] I'm not around. How's that sound?
- Aubrey: We'll figure it out.
- Duck: Okay, well, tell you what, maybe we shou— I've had a hell of a good time shopping and not touching crystals today. We do have the one water monster that has marked us for death [Ned: Mm-hm.] that we may wanna go ahead and [Ned: There's that.] see if we can rectify that situation. Then we'll get back to all the great shopping and crystal talk that this podcast [through laughter] is known for.
Griffin: [Giggles] You hear the sound of a spear’s butt hitting the ground and the door in front of you opens and you enter into the castle’s royal hall.
[Sylvain fades in]
Griffin: It is a cold room almost entirely carved from the same marble as the columns outside with a ceiling that stretches into the heavens, painted with an intricate mural of dozens of Sylvans of all shapes and sizes, all just touching the crystal. Almost as if to taunt you, Aubrey.
And surrounding you are rows of benches that climb the walls of the rooms, designated for observers to come and watch the proceedings that take place here. They are all completely empty. In front of you are three tall pedestals adorned with crests noting various royal titles. And seated on top of them are three individuals who, based on the crests beneath them, you assume serve important roles in this city.
There is the Minister of the Arcane, a short Sylvan woman dressed in a thick coat with several thick scarves draped around her neck. She's reading a large tome atop her pedestal and does not appear to acknowledge your presence as you enter.
In the center pedestal is the Minister of Preservation, an older, large spectral man, who looks down from his pedestal at your entry, intensely eyeing you with disdain.
And atop the final pedestal is the Minister of Defense. It's Vincent, who gives you a wink and a quick okay gesture with his hand as you step inside. And the door shuts behind you and the sound echoes through the chamber. The three ministers are sitting atop their pedestals, silently. They say nothing as you enter.
- Aubrey: Should we kneel?
- Duck: Yep, maybe.
- Minister of Preservation: [shouting] Silence!
- Duck: O-okay…
Griffin: The spectral man shouts,
- Minister of Preservation: You will not speak until the Interpreter has arrived. Do you understand me?!
- Duck: ..Yea-
- Minister of Preservation: [shouting] Silence! Silence, god!
Travis: In the meantime, Aubrey, almost offhandedly because she's been doing it so much, kinda starts nervously doing her little fire jumping from finger to finger.
Griffin: The spectral man sees you and says,
- Minister of Preservation: What are you doin— don't make a fire! Just wait silently for [crosstalk] the Inter—
- Aubrey: No, I was just practicing [crosstalk] I didn't even—
- Minister of Preservation: Silence, c’mon! We had a whole thing about silence!
- Aubrey: I didn't even notice I was doing it, sorry.
- Ned: You people are so rule-oriented. [crosstalk] Just relax!
- Minister of Preservation: Oh my god, the non-silence is almost unbelievable at this point. It’s— oh, oh, oh!
Griffin: And he hushes up as the sound of a loud creak fills the chamber and you see a door behind the three pedestals open and a Sylvan girl, no older than 13 you would estimate, steps through the door and onto a platform that is raised behind the three pedestals. She looks tired, partially because she's wearing what appears to be a long nightgown that reaches her feet. And there is a humble throne on this platform which she approaches and puts a hand on but doesn't sit down in. And she peers over the railing of this platform and looks at the three of you one at a time and then gives a faint smile and says:
- The Interpreter: Nice to meet you.
Griffin: And then she turns and shuffles back through the door and out of the royal hall. And the Minister of Preservation, atop of his pedestal, says,
- Minister of Preservation: Yes, well… another inspiring declaration. So then, humans, go ahead, introduce yourselves.
- Aubrey: Okay?
- Duck: I'm Duck Newton, it's a nickname. I'm from the forestry service, the Monongahela State Forest and the Pine Guard, apparently.
- Minister of Preservation: You smell of, uh, earthen mulch. It's not entirely unpleasant. Usually your kind have a certain stink about you. Yours is above average.
- Duck: Yeah, I'm not sure where you'd be getting the mulch from. That's a—
- Minister of Preservation: Just dirt. Dirt has— like, fresh, [crosstalk] nice, good forest dirt.
- Duck: Dirt… uh... oh, dirt! Sure, yeah, yeah. Dirt, woods.
- Aubrey: Uh, my name is Aubrey Little. You can call me The Lady Flame, if you’re a fan, and, um, I'm kind of from all over. Human, Pine Guard, and I am dying to know what I smell like.
- Minister of Preservation: Mm, yours is... unremarkable. You smell of denim. You smell of crisp denim.
Travis: [imitating the Minister of Preservation] Fresh from the horse.
- Ned: And I am Ned Aloysius Chicane, master of all I survey!
- Aubrey: What?
- Duck: Hmm.
- Ned: [talking with a full mouth] Toastmaster!
- Aubrey: Okay.
- Minister of Preservation: Are you eating something right now?
Justin: Do you have something in your mouth?
- Minister of Preservation: Do you have some— do you have a jawbreaker [crosstalk] in your mouth?
Justin: Dad, do you have a jawbreaker in your fucking mouth? You legally have to tell me if [crosstalk] you have a jawbreaker in your mouth.
Clint: No! I don't do [crosstalk] jawbreakers.
Justin: We made podcast history—
Clint: [defensive] I don't do jawbreakers anymore! I have—
Justin: Are you eating during the show? Is it ice? You have to tell me legally.
Clint: If that's the truth, look on the camera.
Justin: Everybody rewind your audio.
Griffin: We all heard it.
Justin: Second-guess my dad. You heard it.
Travis: Is this like, now you're saying you're not eating now. Were you eating 30 seconds ago when we started asking about it?
Clint: I did have a bite.
Justin: Ah okay! ‘Kay hungry boy, what is so important that you had to eat it during this great podcast?
Travis: Which, I will let everyone know, is at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, not a traditional meal time.
Clint: I have blood sugar issues, you guys.
Justin: Here we go.
Travis: [disbelieving] Uhh-huhhh.
Justin: Here we go. [crosstalk] Here we go.
Clint: [defensive] Maybe you don't know that, but I do have these issues I have to deal with.
Griffin: He says,
- Minister of Preservation: Uh, I see, I see, I see. Have the three of you any confirmed kills of the Abominations on the other side? Do you have anything to prove your mettle?
- Aubrey: Yeah, actually we put one down.
- Minister of Preservation: I see, I, uh, I suppose you will do, not that we have any choice in the matter. So, my name is Woodbridge, Minister of Preservation. I ensure the—
- Aubrey: Hi!
- Woodbridge: Hi, yes. I ensure the survival of our kind in the wake of your world’s countless ruthless assaults.
- Aubrey: Yeah, we can be real assholes.
Griffin: And he points to the woman dressed in all of the thick clothing to his side and says:
- Woodbridge: This taciturn individual to my right is the Minister of the Arcane, Janelle, who spends her days in unending study of Sylvain’s deepest mysteries. And to my left is Vincent, Minister of Defense, whom I assume, based on the fact that he winked at you as you entered, that you've already befriended. I encourage you to take that endorsement with a large grain of salt, he has never met an earthling whom he was not instantly fond of.
- Aubrey: Um, Miss Janelle, was it?
Griffin: Uh, she does not acknowledge you. She is nose-deep in this book that she’s reading.
- Aubrey: I'm a human that can do magic.
Griffin: That does it. [chuckles] She looks up, just a second, and kind of eyes you over.
- Aubrey: Watch! [makes fire noise, like bszzhhh]
Griffin: What is the [bszzhhh]? You can't just say [bszzhhh].
Travis: It's like a fire in my hands, like I'm holding a flame.
Griffin: Sure, since you're trying to do it to accomplish something, right, you're trying to do it to impress this person and I think you should probably roll Use Magic.
[ sound]
Travis: Ohh, not great. Uh, it's a— ohh, a six.
Griffin: Yeah, go ahead and mark experience there, Aubrey, and there is a glitch. Oh, it's not a glitch, on a miss— [chuckle] okay, this is what it says for Use Magic. “On a miss, you lose control of the magic. This never ends well.” So, you do whip up a zesty fireball, but, instead of staying put in your hand, it launches forward, as if with a mind of its own, toward the pedestal of the Minister of the Arcane, who reflexively ducks down beneath her pedestal as the fire ball collides with it, setting it ablaze and—
- Aubrey: Tha— that was an accident!
Griffin: And—
- Aubrey: That was an accident!
Griffin: And engulfing the book that was sitting on top of it. And after that impact, you see her reappear and wave her hand. And, as she does so, the fire swirls and then dies down and she sits back down at her pedestal and looks at the now charred and destroyed book in front of her. She kind of sighs, closes the book, and peers at you.
- Aubrey: I cannot stress enough how much of an accident that was, and also, if you think about it, a clear indication that I might need your help.
Griffin: Uh, Woodbridge, the Minister of Preservation, looks horrified that you just seemingly attacked one of the ministers, but Janelle says:
- Janelle: It's fine, Woodbridge, its fine. I mean, this book was rumored to contain the secrets of a spell that, if prepared properly, could cure any known disease, and I had just gotten to the good part, but oh well. Spilled milk and all that. So, what can I do for you?
- Aubrey: I... am good... at fire, sort of. All evidence to the contrary. Um, but that's all I can do and I need more control and I need more versatility and I need to be able to do things other than just set stuff on fire, please. If you could just— I will read a book about it if that's easier, or if you wanna, like, tap me on the forehead and I fall asleep for a minute and I come back and I know a bunch of stuff, that would be great. Or if there's, like, a magic pie I could eat, that would be cool. Whatever you've got, I need it.
- Janelle: [sarcastic?] Unfortunately, I am fresh out of magic pie, so we may have to do things the old fashioned way. I need you to understand though, Aubrey, I live a life that necessitates unwavering focus on my studies to unlock Sylvain’s secrets so that our people might live a better life. And yet, your presence here is a puzzle I will no doubt be consumed by until it is solved, which is deeply, profoundly inconvenient. That being said, I have set aside a few brief moments of each day from my studies to fulfill my biological requirements and breathe a few breaths of the sweet night air. I suppose I can grant you some of this time, Aubrey Little. I will learn how you came across your fledgling power and you will learn from me how to hone it. All that I would ask is that, when you do visit me for these lessons, you will wait for me to be ready. Tell me, is patience one of your more valued virtu—
- Aubrey: Yes!
[Justin laughs]
Griffin: [Giggles] She smiles.
[Clint and Justin laugh]
Travis: Thank you everybody, I'll be here all day!
Griffin: She says:
- Janelle: No, I detect an unrelenting impatience that dwells within you. It makes sense now that fire is the element that has answered your call. Fire is foolhardy, it is impulsive, it is a force of blind destruction. You treat it as a weapon and it behaves as such. Consider this until next we meet, Aubrey Little, you cannot speak to the other elements because you do not know their language. You will be unable to harness all of the elements until you stop thinking of them as primitive weapons and instead treat them as they truly are, as blessings from a cosmic force beyond your current comprehension. I look forward to our first lesson.
Griffin: And then she reaches into her pocket and she pulls out what appears to be a small pocket watch, which she looks over, and says:
- Janelle: Three minutes and 51 seconds. I'll have to make this up tonight.
Griffin: And then she reaches under her pedestal and retrieves another gigantic book, which she cracks open and dives right back into.
- Aubrey: O-Okay…?
Griffin: Woodbridge says, uh:
- Woodbridge: Do you have anything else? We already sort of did the big meeting with the Interpreter, so… if you—
- Aubrey: Who is that, by the way?
- Woodbridge: The Interpreter is, um, something of a leader of our community. She literally interprets the will of Sylvain by speaking to it and understanding its—
- Aubrey: Like the stone?
- Woodbridge: The stone is but a part of Sylvain. Sylvain is the planet upon which we all stand.
- Aubrey: But she can speak to the stone?
- Woodbridge: She can speak to the planet!
- Duck: She seemed kinda disinterested. Is that fair to say?
- Woodbridge: I do not think it's appropriate to comment on her demeanor. Her job here is impossible for any other person alive to do, so I would not hold her exhaustion against her, Duck.
- Aubrey: Is she actually a teenager, or is this one of those Narnia things?
- Woodbridge: She is young, yes, she is fairly new to the role that has been placed upon her shoulders. It is not one of these Narnia things.
- Duck: [scoff] Can we go back yet?
- Woodbridge: Yeah, I wish you would, it would be great!
- Duck: Excellent, ‘cause I feel like we're about as well-equipped to do what we need to do.
- Woodbridge: Yeah, is that a jet pack? What's going on there?
- Duck: Please be careful with it. It honestly scares the shit out of me. I don't even really like carrying it, I'm really getting pretty stoked about taking it home. I'm half-tempted to leave it on the ground as we go back to our world, but I figure I'll hold on to it. If nothing else, I can chuck it at something and try to blow it up. [crosstalk] It’s called the Fly Master.
- Woodbridge: [crosstalk] Um— uh, rad name. Please do go, though. That would be fantastic for me, and for— you know, everyone.
- Aubrey: Yeah, I guess we’ll go, and I’ll think about my magic as a gift from the cosmos...
Griffin: The guards by the door pound their spears down again and it opens, and the three of you head back out to the entrance hall, and moments later you are met by Vincent who seems winded after running all the way down here to meet you. And he walks with you back through the city to the archway, back to Kepler, and he nods to the squirrel-headed guard, who catches the moonlight on their shield, and shines it on the gate, which fills with light, and Vincent says:
- Vincent: Uh, you all did fairl— you know what? It actually didn’t go the best, because you did almost explode one of the ministers, which I— to be fair to you, I didn’t say you shouldn’t do, but I thought it maybe would have been assumed that you shouldn’t try to blow up? One of the people you are meeting with? But it seemed like she was okay with it, so, I would say five outta ten.
- Aubrey: I’ll take it!
- Ned: Yeah, that’s not bad for us!
Griffin: He says:
- Vincent: Um, one thing before you go. Have any of you seen any good movies lately? [Aubrey: Hmm?] [Duck: Sorry?] I know it’s not really part of the gig, I just, I’m fascinated by your world’s pop culture, it’s— it’s not important, I just thought if you had any recommendations, or reviews, or— Mama used to smuggle me in some DVDs from time to time.
- Aubrey: Have you seen Black Panther yet?
- Vincent: I have not, it is— is that one out on one of your DVDs?
- Aubrey: Not yet, but when it is? I’ll get ya a copy, it’s— oh.
- Ned: Does the name Tommy Wiseau mean anything to you?
- Vincent: He’s from our world.
Justin: There it is. [crosstalk, not sure about this bit] That’s not— at all—
- Vincent: [crosstalk] Yes, I hear that’s something of a mystery in your world, uh, where he originates from, and I can go ahead and put that to bed, he is a mummy man. So, yes, I’m very familiar with him, quite a scoundrel, that one.
- Duck: Listen, this is— at what point I—
- Vincent: You’re right, the mons— the monster, it’s so much more important than, like, my hobby or whatever, so…
- Ned: Well we can bring you, we’ll bring ya something, we’ll hit Redbox, and make you a bunch.
- Vincent: Ok, that sounds perfect. Ok, good luck!
- Aubrey: Ok bye!
Griffin: And the three of you step through the archway.
[Sylvain fades in]
Griffin: Ned, it is Saturday night— late Saturday night, and that means it's time for your big television debut for “Saturday Night Dead,” the television show that you do because you said you did it, like, three episodes ago. You're back at the Cryptonomica, it is after everything else that transpired today. By the way, this whole arc so far has just been one very wild day that you all have had, and now you're coming down off the end of it. And you're back at the Cryptonomica about to do a quick television show. Can you give a little bit of flavor for “Saturday Night Dead”? What's the vibe you're going for here?
Clint: Well, uh, I don't wanna go full on old-school horror movie night. We're using cameras in the Cryptonomica and, because of that, it's kind of a natural setting, but it'll be sorta like a, uh, Night Gallery feel. Maybe I'm standing in front of the case with, uh, George Washington's upper plate or, y'know, I'm standing in front of the case with Blackbeard’s treasure or something, so it's always visually very different, very atmospheric.
Griffin: Are you dressed up like the Cryptkeeper or is it just sorta [crosstalk] Ned giving you full Ned.
Clint: No! No, I don't want it to be quite that hokey, but Ned is a very stylish dresser, y’know. He's got the long scarf and he's got the clicks and the weskit. Y’know, he's dressed for it. I mean, he wants to put on a good show.
Griffin: Alright, I think there's a couple folks from the TV station, which is only one of, like, a very small handful that services, like, a pretty large area, since you all are in the Radio Quiet Zone. They're just sort of operating the lights. There's probably a camera person there. And then you have Kirby with a headset on, I think, helping out with just, sort of, some stage management— [matter-of-factly] uh, that's what they call it for television shows. [Travis: Yep.] And he slides the headset off and walks over to you and he's like:
- Kirby: Ned, man, I gotta tell you, I'm pretty nervous. This is— um, I feel like we didn't rehearse this at all. In fact, I kinda thought we had a dress rehearsal scheduled for earlier in the day, but then you weren't here at all today and so I just think that maybe this has a good chance at being a big disaster.
- Ned: I missed that, I'm sorry. I should have checked my Google calendar, but it'll be fine! Listen, this is all about energy, Kirby. This is all about bringing a spontaneity and a excitement to a— it's a live show, a live program beaming into literally tens of people's homes! Let's use that nervousness, use that fear, that energy to create something amazing!
- Kirby: Yeah, I mean, that's all gonna be on you. I think it's gonna go quite bad, but, um, good luck. We're on in five! Four! I'm doing the thing with my hand! Thr— two! I can't tal— [quietly] one! Go.
[spooky music plays]
- Ned: Welcome my friends! This is Saturday Night Deeead! Live, or, I should say, dead [maniacal laugh] from the Cryptonomica! I am your host, Ned Superstar Chicane, and I welcome you to this palace of the bizarre, this home for humbuggery. This is the place where you can surrender yourself for the next two hours to enjoy one of the finest science fiction-horror movies ever made, set here in the fabulous Cryptonomica. Our movie tonight is Beast with a Thousand Eyes, so tonight we are going to take you through this movie and also let you come to know some of the amazing things we have here at the Cryptonomica, located just off Route 61155, all you have to do is come down and see us. We're open eight hours a day, five days a week, three hundred and forty-two days a year. And we're there to serve all of your bizarre, weird needs when it comes to the macabre. So, shall we begin!
- Kirby: Ye— yes!
- Duck: Yeah.
- Aubrey: Yeahhh?
- Kirby: I don't know if we're supposed to talk. Yeah, go for it.
- Ned: I am so excited to have with me here joining me on stage, on scene. I would like my two friends, Duck Newton, to come out, also the magical, mystical Lady Flame. Come out here and take a bow you two!
- Aubrey: Okay!
- Ned: Duck. C’mon, Duck. [Duck: Yeah…] C'mon, just for a minute. Just c'mon.
- Duck: [Unenthusiastic] Hey everybody.
- Ned: This is the amazing Lady Flame. Do a trick!
- Aubrey: Oh! Um…
- Ned: Do some of- don't burn anything down but do a little magic~, why don't you?
Travis: Okay, it’s going to be a really, like, fairly cool sleight of hand, especially with a camera, “Is this your card?” kind of thing. Oh, but at first it's one of those tricks where it's like, “Oh, it seems like she got it wrong,” right, and she's like, “Oh, yeah you’re right,” and then she opens up her jacket and there's a patch of, like, y'know, the three of clubs sewn into the inside. And she's like:
- Aubrey: Oh, was this it?
- Ned: Ohohohoho, amazing! Magic like that is a common occurrence here at the Cryptonomica, State Route 16055. Come down and see us. Now, Duck, show them your talking sword trick.
- Duck: I don't know what you're talking about, you asked me to come out here and give an announcement about forest safety and I am happy to remind everybody that, after you finish having fun out in the forest, it's great to dump water on your fire. Everybody knows that one, but do give it a good stir around once you dump the water on because sometimes there can be small embers that won't be extinguished, so it is important that you sorta create a dirt slurry. Anyway, yep. So, stay safe out there.
- Ned: ..Thank- thank you, Duck. And now you know. And knowing is half the battle! Now you've meet some of the folks here responsible for our fabulous show. Let's get right to some of the thrills and chills. Starring Paul Birch, Lorna Thayer, and Dona Cole, this is The Beast with a Thousand Eyes…
- Kirby: A Mil- A Million Eyes!
- Ned: What?
- Kirby: It’s a Million Eyes.
- Ned: That's what I said. Beast with a Million Eyes!
- Kirby: You said a thousand- it’s fine. [Shouting] Start the movie!
[Spooky music fades out]
Griffin: We see a prison two counties away. We see a common area. We see a pair of guards watching a small assembly of prisoners who are all seated in front of a small television. And one of the prisoners is holding the remote and flipping through the channels trying to find something for the group to watch. And they flip through some home shopping stuff, they flip through a couple infomercials, Adult Swim, probably. They flip through Saturday Night Live, just scoot right on past that. They flip past Saturday Night Dead, leaving it- lingering on the channel for just a few moments before changing it to another home shopping network special. And a prisoner seated a couple rows back walks up and puts his hand on the prisoner holding the remote. And this prisoner says:
[Theme music (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty Theme by Griffin McElroy) plays]
- Prisoner: [Cockney accent] Would you do me a favor and flip back the channel for me?
Griffin: And the other prisoner does and this man laughs and he points at Ned on the television screen and he says:
- Prisoner: Heh… I know that bloke.