The Adventure Zone Wiki

Agent Stern, full name Joseph Stern, is a tall, handsome federal agent who has come to Kepler in search of Bigfoot. He is a member of the FBI's Unexplained Phenomena (UP) taskforce.

Physical Appearance[]

Not much is known about Stern's appearance, other than the fact that he's tall and wears a nice suit, suited for a government agent.



Hunt for the Water[]

Shortly after Calvin Owens leaves Amnesty Lodge, Barclay explains to Ned that he needs to keep the information regarding the lodge and the alternative beings that live there away from prying eyes and listening ears.

"It is of utmost importance that nobody else gets clued in, okay?"

—- Barclay, when addressing Ned about the sensitive information

The door to the lodge opens, and Stern looks the place over. He walks over to the group and asks for the proprietor of the Cryptonomica. He sees Ned, and introduces himself as Agent Stern of the FBI, and was led here by Kirby. He asks, "At your earlier convenience, sir... I would just love to see your Bigfoot video."

He is dating Barclay.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes featuring Stern