The Adventure Zone Wiki
Tazspoiler Here there be spoilers!

Proceed at your own risk if you have not yet listened to Episode 19 and beyond.

Shebrie Keene was the mother of Argo Keene, friend of Jackle, and former member of the Unbroken Chain.


Shebrie attended school with Jackle, even sailing with him for a time. Both of them were members of the Unbroken Chain, and Shebrie entrusted Jackal to hold onto her "invitation" coin, so he could give it to Argo in her place if the need arose.

When Argo was very young, she would show him her pendant from the Unbroken Chain, and allow him to hold it and ask questions about it. She frequently made fish jerky, which Argo still remembers fondly.

She once worked on a narwhal-hunting(narwhaling?) ship, but after the fateful day on which she fell into the water and had a close encounter with a narwhal, she couldn't bring herself to hunt them anymore and led a mutiny. Afterwards, she and the crew of the Mariah became privateers working for the Crown, with The Commodore as their liaison to the Navy.

The Commodore betrayed Shebrie, leading to her death, which left Argo alone and poor.


  • She made really good fish jerky, according to Argo and Fitzroy.
    • According to Argo, he is reminded of her whenever he eats fish jerky.