The Adventure Zone Wiki

The full Radio Quiet OST album is available on Bandcamp. Some of its individual tracks are available on Griffin's Soundcloud.

Radio Quiet features music from the final three arcs of The Adventure Zone: Amnesty -- which is to say, about two thirds of the whole campaign. It marks a weird transition from writing songs that I could plug into the show (which is how I went about composing for Balance) to, you know, actually scoring individual scenes after we recorded.

Cutting those longer pieces of background music down to something more suited for a standalone album release took ... like, months, and some of the songs are still weird ambient spookytunes rather than club bangers. Still, I hope you enjoy! I learned a ton making music for Amnesty, and I hope that it comes through in some way in this album!


Snow Crash[]

Ambulance Jam[]

An Audience with the Mothman[]

Three Conversations[]

Containment Breach[]

Roots, Seeds, Branches[]

Broken and Entered[]

Cottonwood Snow[]

The Calamity Tree[]

The Incident at the Hornet's Nest[]

A Rift to Somewhere[]

The Incident at the Morgue[]

Ned's on TV[]

Flamebright Found[]

The First Fire[]

Interstellar Blues[]

The Incident at the Archway[]

The Quell[]

The Plan[]

Aubrey and Dani[]


Fighting Back[]

Her Name Reverberates Through the Hollow Heart of the World[]

One Hundred Thirty-Four Seconds[]


The Deliberative Operational Mind[]

Belligerence Limit[]

Kepler, WV[]
