Mona, full name Desdemona, is the owner of the junkyard known as "Desdemona's Haul" or "Mona's Haul". The spelling of "Haul" may instead be "Hull."
“ | "Is it H-A-U-L, or H-U-L-L?"
Yeah, that‘s the thing. It‘s like a play on words. It‘s like—it says H-blank-blank-L on the sign, and then it‘s up to you to decide if it‘s clever or not. |
” |
—Ol’ Joshy[src]
She is a small, young woman who wears tone wheels on both her ears. She can "make light," but is embarrassed when she off-handedly reveals she can also do magic, which is a rare skill in Founder's Wake.
Mona's Haul[]
The junkyard is located in the Gunnel. It's a facility with a lot of junk scattered around and half-buried in the seafloor outside. There are ships stacked up hither and yon, and they all look like they‘ve never really worked. There are maybe a few that still have some paint on them, but a lot of them have been rusted into oblivion. There are some new ships that have "the equivalent of a boot" on them, signs indicating that Mona also does rescue-towing services.