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I will sleep on the floor.

—Master Firbolg


—Master Firbolg

[...]but for now we will both eat our berries and be quiet. I think sometimes they forget how to be quiet.

—Master Firbolg to Breeze Through The Willow[[src]]

Justin's character is an unnamed player character in the Graduation campaign. He goes by various nicknames or simply "Master Firbolg" and is played by Justin McElroy.



Before enrolling at Wiggenstaff's, the Firbolg was exiled from his clan for hoarding food (though he initially said that he was the sole survivor of an attack which killed them all). He claims he can never return there. Deep down, despite his veneration for rules, Firbolg feels like he did the right thing, as hoarding food saved his and perhaps others' lives.

After being exiled, the Firbolg walked towards the sun until it set, and then, keeping it at his back, walked for thirteen days and fourteen nights until he reached the school; from there, he decided he would "be of this clan." He has attended Wiggenstaff's ever since. He has no other goals, and nowhere else to go.

Every night, the Firbolg has the same dream about his clan, which is first described in Episode 3: "Pursued By Bear." Justin describes it as the Firbolg sitting with his nameless family, "he and he and her and he and her," around a fire. Then his father stands and points into the woods, and he wakes up.

Firbolg was a former sidekick to Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt, and has taken great interest in finances.

The Firbolg upon the finale decides that he needs to be a part of a clan where he is welcome in, so he becomes one with the Garys. He takes the name Gary and is able to help them and others grow.


Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt[]

Fitzroy is the Firbolg's roommate and eventually the villain to which the Firbolg acts as sidekick. Originally the Firbolg and Fitzroy had very different ways of viewing the world, which lead to Fitzroy not taking the Firbolg entirely serious. Quickly, however, the Firbolg began to appreciate Fitzroy's aptitude for magic (which he commented on as being amazing in Episode 3 (Pursued By Bear). Fitzroy also attempts to give the Firbolg a name often during the first few episodes, but eventually the practice peters out. In The The Adventure Zone Zone, Griffin referenced that this was because Fitzroy grew to understand that the Firbolg's culture didn't prioritize names as an important aspect of life, and so backed off of attempting to name him as a show of respect. When the Firbolg and Fitzroy became aware of the mind control placed onto the Firbolg, he allowed Fitzroy to cast charm person on him in an attempt to rid him of the original magic. He also instructed one of the Garys near Higglemas' office (later known as the Cool Gary) to tell Fitzroy to stop him if he was ever seen coming near the office again. In Episode 12 (Pop Quiz), Fitzroy acted on this and immediately left to confront the Firbolg when Gary alerted him. When Fitzroy was cursed by Calhain in Episode 15 (Out of Order), the Firbolg went to track down said wizard in an attempt to cut off the source of the curse - which, ironically, is exactly what Fitzroy ended up doing when he woke up and ripped Calhain's hand off. The Firbolg was the one to speak on Fitzroy's behalf in the Unbroken Chain's tribunal in Episode 22 (Open and Shut), and commended his leadership ability as well as his true friendship.

Argonaut Keene[]

Argo is a fellow Thunderman sidekick and roommate of the Firbolg. Argo and the Firbolg seem to have an easy time getting along, often being party to Fitzroy's eccentricities (they notably hide together to talk about Fitzroy's dubious status as a knight in Episode ). However, it becomes apparent that Argo has been keeping a secret from Fitzroy and the Firbolg very quickly, which establishes something of a distance between them and leads Fitzroy and the Firbolg to grow closer. Throughout this, though, the Firbolg does not hold any level of malice or mistrust toward Argo - in fact, he advises Fitzroy to find a method to approach Argo and include him in their discussion of students being mind controlled on campus. It seems as though the Firbolg is unaware of Argo feeling left out of the Thundermen a bit, as he admits to Althea Song in Episode 11 (You Can Call Me Al[thea]). Argo also speaks on the Firbolg's behalf during the Unbroken Chain's tribunal, commending his honesty and claiming that his inability to lie is a benefit to any group that would have him, including the Unbroken Chain and the Thundermen. In Episodes 32 (By a Hair[cut]) and 33 (Open up a Can of Firbolg), Argo and the Firbolg work together to sneak into the archives of the Heroic Oversight Guild (HOG).

Breeze Through the Willow[]

Breeze Through the Willow is a pegasus, and one of the first beings the Firbolg befriended at Wiggenstaff's. Originally, the Firbolg met her at a very young age after her parents were separated from her in the Unknown Forest (and implied to have been killed). He encouraged her to eat, telling her she could become as big and strong as him, and comforted her in silence by sitting and eating berries with her. Over time, Breeze Through the Willow became bigger and relearned how to use her damaged wing, eventually leaving the school grounds. Before she did so, she gave the Firbolg one of her wing's feathers, which could be used to summon her if he ever needed help. As of Episode 17 (Fire Drill), the Firbolg has used this ability to call for help from Breeze in evacuating from the tavern Springs Eternal after it was beset upon by demons (commanded by Gray), and again in Episode 24 (With Frenemies Like This) to assist Rainer and Argo in finding Fitzroy/transporting the Firbolg to his clan when his father dies.


Bartholomus is the Accounting teacher at HWSfHaV, and considers the Firbolg his "magnum opus". The Firbolg has no cultural knowledge of economics and so is very unprepared for the Accounting class he takes in Episode 2 (It's [a] Familiar), but Bartholomus is determined to teach him the basics and as of Episode 7 (Secrets, Secrets), the Firbolg is able to progress past basic Accounting with a low, but passing, grade. In fact, throughout the campaign since first meeting in Episode 2 (It's [a] Familiar), the Firbolg has been commended by multiple characters on his understanding of business and his fiscal advice, a trait that can only be attributed to Bartholomus' teaching.

Power and Abilities[]

Class Features[]


  • Wild Shape: The Firbolg can use an action to magically assume the shape of a beast that he has seen before. He can use this feature twice. He regains expended uses when he finishes a short or long rest.
  • Druidic Circle: Circle of the Land (Forest)
    • Natural Recovery: The firbolg can regain some of his magical energy by sitting in meditation and communing with nature. During a short rest, he chooses expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half his druid level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.


The Firbolg has a Spell Attack Modifier of +6 and a Spellcasting DC of 14.


The following are the spells known by the Firbolg:

Please note, that most low-level spells can be cast at an additionally higher level for a stronger effect.

Cantrips []

Cantrips are spells which can be cast at any time.

Name Synopsis School Number of Times Used Episodes Used
Shillelagh The wood of a club or Quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature's power. Transmutation 5 1, 3, 9, 12, 13
Thorn Whip You create a vine-like whip covered in thorns that lashes out at a creature within range. Transmutation 1 8
Frostbite You cause numbing frost to form on one creature within range. Evocation 1 9

1st - 2nd Level[]

Name Synopsis Level School Number of Times Used Episodes Used
Speak with Animals You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with Beasts for the Duration. 1st-level Divination 2 1, 6 (implied), 22
Jump You touch a creature. The creature's jump distance is tripled until the spell ends. 1st-level Transmutation 2 1, 2

(As of Ep. 5, he has lost this spell)

Ice Knife You create a shard of ice and fling it at one creature within range. 1st-level Conjuration 1 9, 23
Charm Person You attempt to charm a humanoid. On a failed save, it regards you as a friendly acquaintance. 1st-level Enchantment 1 13
Moonbeam A silvery beam of pale light shines down in a cylinder. When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it is engulfed in ghostly flames. 2nd-level Evocation 4 5, 8, 9, 11
Hold Person Choose a Humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be Paralyzed for the Duration. 2nd-level Enchantment 2 9, 11
Detect Magic For the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you, learning its school of magic, if any. 1st-level Divination 2 14, 15
Pass Without Trace A veil of shadows and silence masks you and your companions from detection. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Stealth checks, can’t be tracked except by magical means, and leaves no footprints. 2nd-level Abjuration 1 18

3rd-4th level

Name Synopsis Level School Number of Times Used Episodes Used
Call Lightning A cylindrical storm cloud appears 100 feet overhead, and a bolt of lightning flashes down to a point you choose. A creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. 3rd-level Conjuration 1 17


Items both currently owned and lost by "Master Firbolg" throughout the show.

Current items[]

These are items currently within "Master Firbolg"'s possession as of the most recent episode.

Item Episode Acquired/Mentioned Item Type Notes
Hide-like armor 1 Armor/Clothing Made of leaves with pebbles sewn in
Wooden staff 1 Weapon
Berries 1 Snack Shared with a pegasus
Spectacles of Sustaining 4 Armor/Clothing Allows the firbolg to capture an image of what he is looking at on a successful Intelligence check. Supposed to be in armory, unresolved.
Portable Gary 4 Friend Has 3 charges that can each be spent to ask the Portable Gary a question like a normal Gary. In the armory.
Pegasus feather 6 Enchanted/Haunted Item If the Firbolg holds it and says Breeze Through The Willow's name, she will hear him.
Navigational Yarn 13 Enchanted/Haunted Item Will roll in the direction of a specific location and leave a trail for the user to follow. Gets tangled if sent to find a location that is magically hidden, has no entrance, etc, and cannot be used until untangled.
Pocket Watch of Second Chances 13 Enchanted/Haunted Item Can be rewound once per long rest to provide any creature with one use of Indomitable, allowing them to reroll one saving throw.
Jar of Bees 13 Enchanted/Haunted Item When opened or broken, releases a swarm of insects (bees) which attack the nearest creature. It's a jar of bees!
Magic Mirror 15 Enchanted/Haunted Item A common two-way communication device in Nua. Was taken from Calhain, and connected to a mirror that belongs to Gray.
True Sight Lenses 26 Enchanted Item/Clothing Grant the wearer true sight for a minute, once per long rest. Made for the boys by Crabtree.
Tangled Web 26 Enchanted Item/Clothing A nearly invisible veil of spider silk. When activated by a ring, it will translate spoken truth to simple lies for the next five minutes. Made specifically for the Firbolg by Crabtree.
Man of Many Masks Enchanted/Haunted Item 31 A sack to drape over one's face, allowing the user to cast Disguise Self at will, but can only produce an illusion of a person who has touched the sack in the past 24 hours.
Re-Anchoring Stone Enchanted/Haunted Item 31 Temporarily alters gravity to let the user walk across surfaces they would normally not be able to. It is one-time use, but the user can change the anchoring direction once with a d20 roll above 10. A failure causes the effect to end immediately. It can slide into a boot, or affix to a foot.

Former Items[]

Items that have been lost or expended.

Item Episode Acquired/Mentioned Episode Lost Item Type Notes
Glue 4 6, 17 Enchanted/Haunted Item Glue that can bind two items together, after rolling a d6 to see how well it holds. Some was given to Breeze Through The Willow, and the remainder was used by the Firbolg to glue himself to a pit fiend's face.

Known Physical Characteristics[]

Disclaimer: The McElroys do not consider their versions of their characters any more "canon" than anyone else's - there is no obligation to stick to these in fanart, so please do not be rude to people for ignoring these traits.[1]

Trait Episode Mentioned / Introduced
7-8 ft tall Episode 1
Blueish/Grayish Skin Episode 1
Dirty Episode 1
Matted hair Episode 1
Clothing made of layered, dried leaves Episode 1


  • "This is a great shame." - multiple episodes (first in Episode 3, [Pursued By Bear]). It's like a catchphrase at this point, really.
  • "There is no fear." - Episode 1 (Orientation), to the pegasus Breeze Through the Willow, attempting to soothe her.
  • "I think sometimes they forget how to be quiet." - Episode 1 (Orientation), to Breeze Through the Willow.
  • "Why are there 25,000 of anything!?" - Episode 2 (It's [a] Familiar), to Bartholomus, distressed about basic economics.
  • "There is a sound of a clanging!" - Episode 2 (It's [a] Familiar), also to Bartholomus, as the concept of basic economics gives him a sudden headache.
  • "I am, he says... dunce. What is this dunce? I wear the cone on my head." - Episode 3, (Pursued By Bear), to Fitzroy about his difficulties in his Accounting class.
  • "I… [sighs] need you to be fence." - Episode 3, (Pursued By Bear), during training at the Tavern, trying to find which NPC (Non-Person Character) in the room is responsible for buying and selling stolen goods (a fence).
  • "Proper allocation of resources is important for any new venture." - Episode 4 (Four Sidekicks Walk Into a Bar...), to Rainer, about working together on their newest real-world assignment in Last Hope.
  • "In the forest, we call the beach the anti-forest. It’s the least forest you could do." - Episode 7 (Secrets, Secrets), to Fitzroy and Argo.
  • "Get paid or get lost." - Episode 7 (Secrets, Secrets), to Bartholomeus during his teacher-student meeting, on what the most important thing in accounting is.
  • "Now we are forged in the fires of buddies" - Episode 11 (You Can Call Me Al[thea]), to Cool Gary.
  • "So you uh, want to speak to the resident bad boy?" - Episode 11 (You Can Call Me Al[thea]), to Althea Song, trying to be 'too cool for school', as the kids say.
  • "Before this, I had nothing. I can go back to nothing." - Episode 12 (Pop Quiz), to Higglemas Wiggenstaff.
  • "Motherf*****." - Episode 15 (Out of Order), as the Centaurs of the Valley begin to turn on him, believing he is a thief.
  • "The blood of the runt is the blood of the King." - Episode 19 (Creative Writing), quoting the Firbolg Code.
  • "I wish to have berries for those who have none." - Episode 19 (Creative Writing), to Chaos, turning down their offer of power.
  • "He is dependable, motivated, results-oriented, and the kind of leader one could only dream of." - Episode 22 (Open and Shut), about Fitzroy during the Unbroken Chain's tribunal.
  • "You must approach these things like a boatmaker. You cannot rush the ship." - Episode 24 (With Frenemies Like This), to Argo, about how Fitzroy and Rainer's relationship is progressing.
  • "There's no embodiment of the system that we can bury a dagger in. We must destroy the system itself. That is how we prevent the war - we dismantle the system." - Episode 28 (Business Plan), to Comrade Fitzroy and Comrade Argo.
  • "I am cool!" - Episode 32 (By a Hair[Cut]), announced just after coming down from a scone-induced high in Holifer's office.


  • Some believe that Master Firbolg is from a clan called Orvatz, but this is just a particularly accented pronunciation of the words 'or was' in the quote "I am of my clan, or... was", when responding to Fitzroy's question about his name[2].
  • The Firbolg and his clan do not use proper nouns as other races do. Instead, the Firbolg and his clan refer to each other via third person pronouns, such as "he", "she", or "them".
  • However, firbolgs apparently do have terminology for parents, as another firbolg refers to the Firbolg's father as "his sire" in Episode 25 (The Burden of Things).
  • In Episode 7 (Secrets Secrets), he showed a distaste for beaches, and called them "the anti-forest."
  • As of Episode 8 (Mission: Imp Hospital) he had only ever seen 4 locks, which is WILD.
  • The Firbolg has a pocket full of loose glue, keeping up Juice's theme of creating characters with loose liquids in their pocket.
  • Let the record show: he ain't scared of the Unknown Forest.
  • The animals the Firbolg has Wild Shaped into as of Episode 33 (Open Up a Can of Firbolg) are: a cat, a blood hawk, a giant eagle, a mouse (note that DnD Beyond does not have a stat block for mice), and a faerie dragon.
  • Justin alleges in an episode of The The Adventure Zone Zone that the name on his character sheet is "Michael K. Fox".

