The Adventure Zone Wiki

Hieronymous Wiggenstaff's School for Heroism and Villainy is a school founded by Hieronymous Wiggenstaff. The school was founded over 250 years before the campaign began and is composed of two parts: the main towers that house the Heroes and Villains program, and the shoddily-constructed Annex off to the side that holds the Sidekicks and Henchpersons program, run by Higglemas Wiggenstaff. Its enrollment is around 50 heroes and villains and 100 sidekicks and henchpeople.


The school is located out of the town of Hope. It is between the Unknown Forest and the Godscar Chasm, the two deadliest locations in the world.

Three out of five professional heroes and villains are Wiggenstaff's alumni. It is one of only two schools to receive a triple diamond rating from the Heroic Oversight Guild.


The main boys' room in the Annex is a simple room with three beds and a cat that can turn invisible. The mattress from one of the beds has since been moved over to another bed to make it extra-soft (and extra-tall).

Tower Floor 1[]

On the first floor is found the dining hall, the entry hall, and the 24 hour research library.

Tower Floor 2[]

On the Second Floor one can find the administrative offices, the teachers lounge, placement, and the guidance counselor, Tomas's office.

Tower Floor 3[]

Here, you have research, healing which doubles as the nurse's office, the potions classroom (taught by Mulligan), strategy, and the magic classrooms.

Tower Floor 4[]

The Fourth Floor houses the Survival, Persuasion, Accounting (taught by Bartholomeus ), and Sneakery (taught by Jackal ) classrooms. Jackal's classroom is the only one with a balcony.

Tower Floor 5[]

The Fifth floor is Hieronymous's office.

Basement Floor 1[]

The first level of the basement houses the Test Tavern (a life-size replica of a tavern where the Social Graces class is taught) and the Test Dungeon (staffed by the "skeleton crew" of Germaine, Victoria, and Rattles).

Basement Floor 2[]

The second level of the basement houses the Blacksmithing and Armory room as well as the Artificing and Magical Armory room.

Wiggenstaff‘s Sidekick and Henchperson Annex[] by Hieronymous‘ younger brother and lifelong sidekick, Higglemas Wiggenstaff. The awkward building sits, appropriately, in the tower‘s shadow. It‘s clear from its construction that the Annex was something of an afterthought, giving one the impression that it was shoved against the tower when no one was looking.

—Travis McElroy

Annex Floor 1[]

Several classes are offered only for the sidekicks and henchpeople in the Annex. The first floor houses the Support Arts, Watchkeeping, Blame-Taking, and Cooking classrooms.

Annex Floor 2[]

The second floor is entirely empty (just like the promises to expand the henchpeople and sidekick program).

Annex Floor 3[]

The third floor is Higglemas's office.

School Grounds[]

Battle Training Grounds[]

Past the Annex and rounding the tower, you can see the battlegrounds. Travis describes it as such. "To the untrained eye, it could easily be mistaken for just a patch of dirt. But for those in the trade, the signs of a century‘s worth of fights are clear."

The Barn[]

To the right of Groundsy's hut and the Annex, there is a wooden barn built up against the white stone tower. Inside there are many different animals. In Travis's words, "Inside, you, at first, find what one might expect to find in any barn. Several horses, cows, a few sheep. But as you move down the aisles, the denizens of the barn become more exotic. You see a unicorn with a bandage on its leg, a hippocamp swimming in a special water-filled stall, and a jackalope resting quietly in a hutch." This is where Firbolg first encounters Breeze Through The Willow

Groundsy's hut[]

The windows are painted black, and there are multiple locks on the doors. An abundance of lawn decorations adorn the outside.
