The Adventure Zone Wiki

Our heroes’ journey has been difficult… But they've been lucky. I wonder what happens when that luck runs out. It's The Adventure Zone!

—The Announcer


Full transcript available here.

The Hunger pursues, and our heroes escape. They’ve been keeping up the chase for decades now, evading without fail. But the Hunger’s getting faster. The journey’s getting harder. The team must take drastic steps, just to stay afloat. We’re nearly caught up, now. Merle writes his story. Magnus breaks his bonds. Taako plans a very good day.

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  • SPOILERS: The Justices Audit Deeds to Come

They willingly tear out their souls

They shatter the very will of God

Who are they to take the fate of the world in their hands

They'll burn the world down around them

We must find the seventh harbinger

There will be a necessary betrayal

They abandon their family

They run away from the town they kill

They run away from the town they let die

They kill so many goblins, such brutality, for what

They're a moment too late, the town will be engulfed

They kill him in the street, threw his body off a cliff, torn apart by dogs

They take time from their rescue to steal from the bank

They assault the guardian of clay, they know They'll forget

So much cruelty towards a child who loves them

He took the guards with them, left them for the monster

The terrible choice, it is not theirs to make

It is nobody's to make


