“ | A brief history of our wasted world: a primer, by Brother Seldom. I have witnessed firsthand the deep and restful slumbers that my sermons have induced amongst our congregation. So, I will attempt to keep this succinct. Should you find yourself dozing off during this lesson, well, I wouldn‘t worry too much. By the time you hear this, the world I'm about to describe will have long since been scoured from the map. | ” |
—Brother Seldom
Brother Seldom is an archivist and chronicler, serving as the narrator of the Ethersea prologues. Within the campaign proper, Seldom has continued to serve as teacher, residing in the Ballast region of Founders' Wake and broadcasting his lessons. He temporarily gave Devo la Main room and board when Devo left the Benevolent Parish, and later offered to aid the crew in buying a ship.
In Episode 44, it is revealed that he killed the Hand of Guidance on the orders of Benevolence. After doing so, he magically charmed Beck into selling him her ship and fled Founder's Wake, to the floating city of Hominine on the surface. There, he presumably confessed to Guidance's murder, as he was held captive in a dungeon under the Citadel for an unknown period of time following his arrival. He is later pardoned by Benevolence, who tends to his wounds and urges Brother Seldom to tell him everything he knows about Founder's Wake.