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I know about you, Argonaut Keene. You are not exactly what you seem.


Sneak attack!


Argonaut (Argo) Keene is a player character controlled by Clint McElroy as part of the Graduation campaign.


Argo is easy-going, friendly, and loyal to a fault. He's very extroverted, and it doesn't take long for him to consider someone to be a friend. He's a very helpful person by nature, often assisting the other members of the team in tough situations to the best of his ability, sharing snacks or just generally being there for moral support. Argo is an agreeable person and tends to let others take the lead, as is reflected in his job as a sidekick to Fitzroy and a teammate to the Firbolg.

Despite his confident presentation, Argo is a very reserved person when it comes to personal information, like his past or his feelings. He wants to have meaningful friendships with people, especially the other Thundermen, but he often doubts whether or not they feel the same about him. This self-doubt surrounding his role and worth in the team often goes unspoken, due to the fact he doesn't want to seem "whiney" or be rejected by them once they know the truth. Argo will even sometimes go so far as to lie about how he feels in order to keep up his laid-back, upbeat persona.

Argo's fierce loyalty and desperation to be useful and appreciated makes him very willing to jump into friendships or alliances on a whim[1]. This- added to his pent up anger, jealousy and grief- makes him vulnerable to manipulation.


Argo spent quite a good part of his life at sea before coming to Wiggenstaff's. He was raised by his mother, Shebrie, who was a sailor and a member of a secret organization known as the Unbroken Chain.

When he was very small - two or three years old - Shebrie sometimes let Argo play with a pendant that she received as a token of her membership with the Unbroken Chain. Argo would later receive one just like it when he officially joined the group. Shebrie died after being betrayed by the Commodore, whom Argo has wanted to murder since he was 11 or 12 years old.

Argo's original intent in coming to Wiggenstaff's was to become a sidekick to The Commodore so he could get close enough to avenge his mother's death.


Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt[]

Fitzroy is Argo's roommate, classmate, and boss as CEO of Thunderman LLC. Though they got off to a rocky start, with Argo considering Fitzroy a pompous ass, Argo appreciates the camaraderie that has developed between Fitzroy, the Firbolg, and himself, even considering them like a family. However, he's initially wary of Fitzroy becoming his boss, and only agrees to join Thunderman LLC after being encouraged by the Firbolg. After Fitzroy saves Argo in the hospital, Argo declares that he owes his "new hero" Fitzroy a life debt, and threatens to quit the Unbroken Chain if anything bad happens to Fitzroy. Despite Argo wanting them to be close, Argo and Fitzroy's relationship remains somewhat strained. Due to The Unbroken Chain assigning Argo to spy on him, Fitzroy is wary of Argo- which in turn makes Argo feel like he's not a part of the group and therefore jealous. However, Argo stays by Fitzroy's side while he's cursed, reading him stories and encouraging him all the while. He admires Fitzroy's bravery and ambition, and believes he has the potential to be someone amazing. Argo is relieved when Fitzroy finally wakes up, and continues to be with him while he fully recovers. In return, Fitzroy supports Argo wholeheartedly during the The Unbroken Chain's tribunal. Even though Argo and Fitzroy have gotten closer over time, Argo is still sometimes doubtful about whether or not Fitzroy values him as a friend or just as a sidekick. However, Argo is always there to assure Fitzroy in times of uncertainty or (pun not intended) chaos; in Episode 32 (By a Hair[Cut]), it's Argo who reassures Fitzroy that he's still able to use his magic during their heist of the Heroic Oversight Guild (HOG). It seems that despite his misgivings about his own worth as a sidekick, hero, or friend, Argo has utter faith in Fitzroy and the Firbolg.

Master Firbolg[]

The Firbolg is Argo's roommate, classmate, and co-sidekick to Fitzroy. The Firbolg and Argo are close, with Argo supporting his accounting career and the Firbolg being more friendly and talkative with him than other people in the school. The two of them trust each other a lot. When the Firbolg has to travel to his clan because of his father's death, Argo offers to come but the Firbolg rejects this. Argo expresses regret at this later, upset that he was unable to help with whatever his friend is going through. During the Thundermen's heist of HOG, Argo and the Firbolg stuck close together while Fitzroy completed something of a solo mish. The Firbolg helped distract a guard named Linen in Episode 32 (By a Hair[Cut]) in mouse form to give Argo the necessary window to steal his badge. On the day of the heist (Episode 33 [Open up a Can of Firbolg]), Argo was able to distract Kai enough for the Firbolg to drop him in faerie dragon form. Although neither of them had much mind for making a plan in these encounters, they worked quickly and efficiently with each other. They also compliment each others' skill sets, with Argo being in charge of the lying/stalling, and the Firbolg in charge of the surprising/attacking.

Shebrie Keene[]

Shebrie was Argo's mother, now deceased, whom Argo remembers fondly and considers an important part of his life. She left an invitation to the Unbroken Chain with Jackle, to be given to Argo on her behalf, and Argo accepts the invitation in her honor. Argo is currently working towards becoming a sidekick in order to avenge her murder. When Argo was a child, Shebrie sometimes let him play with her Unbroken Chain medallion, the symbol of her membership, which is how Argo is able to identify the symbol later on at HWSfHaV.

The Commodore[]

The great naval hero the Commodore is Argo's reason for attending Hieronymous Wiggenstaff's School for Heroism and Villainy. He is responsible for the death of Shebrie Keene, as he had apparent knowledge of (or perhaps set up) an ambush while she was a privateer under him. He is also a senior member of the Unbroken Chain, though not a part of the HWSfHaV chapter, as was revealed in Episode 22 (Open and Shut), and so was responsible for running the tribunal against Argo after he revealed the existence of the Unbroken Chain to Fitzroy and Master Firbolg. From a very young age, Argo became convinced that the Commodore was responsible for the death of his mother, and from then on worked toward becoming close enough to the man that he would be able to kill him (the specific method being "to stab him in the back", as he had done his mother). Argo is also incensed by the Commodore's repeated use of the genasi racial slur "spray" toward him when they speak to each other in Episode 21 (Loose Lips, Sunk Ships). As of Episode 32 (By a Hair[cut]), despite the Commodore helping him retain his cover as he attempts to infiltrate HOG with the other Thundermen, Argo still vocally dislikes him and thinks he's a jerk, which he's right about. Argo's awareness that the Commodore is only helping him because of Prince Gray's instruction to do so probably doesn't help matters much. In Episode 33 (Open up a Can of Firbolg), Argo is disgusted and frustrated with the decorations being prepped for the Commodore's celebratory promotion at HOG.


Jackle is a sneakery teacher at Hieronymous Wiggenstaff's School for Heroism and Villainy and the mentor of Argo in rogue work. He is also his contact within the Unbroken Chain, and the member of the group who invites him to join, using the invitation coin left by his mother after her death. Argo has shown extraordinary trust with Jackle, as evidenced by his being honest when Jackle asks if he has broken his pact to keep the Unbroken Chain a secret in Episode 21 (Loose Lips, Sunk Ships). On his part, Jackle seems to regard Argo fondly, offering additional rogue training outside of class and volunteering to accompany the Thundermen through a dimension of hell in order to evacuate the Unbroken Chain members in Episode 23 (Between a Rock and a Hell Place). Further, Jackle goes along with Argo's lie that he has physical evidence of the Commodore's involvement in Shebrie's murder during his tribunal in Episode 22 (Open and Shut). There being no letter, it is implied that Jackle trusts Argo's word enough to have the Commodore convicted of a crime without substantial evidence to prove it, which is very hardcore.

Powers and Abilities[]

Racial Traits[]

  • Acid Resistance: Argo has resistance to acid damage.
  • Amphibious: Argo can breathe air and water.
  • Swimming: Argo has a swimming speed of 30 feet.
  • Call to the Wave: Argo knows the shape water cantrip. He can also cast the create or destroy water spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait, and he regains the ability to cast it this way when he finishes a long rest. Constitution is his spellcasting ability for these spells.

Class Features[]


  • Expertise: Argo chooses two of his skill proficiencies, or one of his skill proficiencies and his proficiency with thieves’ tools. His proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check he makes that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.
  • Sneak Attack: Argo knows how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, he can deal an extra 2d6 damage to one creature he hit with an attack if he has advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.
  • Thieves' Cant: During Argo's rogue training, he learned thieves’ cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows him to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves’ cant understands such messages.
  • Cunning Action: Argo's quick thinking and agility allow him to move and act quickly. He can take a bonus action on each of his turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
  • Uncanny Dodge: When an attacker that Argo can see hits him with an attack, he can use his reaction to halve the attack's damage against him.
  • Roguish Archetype: Swashbuckler
    • Fancy Footwork: Argo learned how to land a strike and then slip away without reprisal. During Argo's turn, if he makes a melee attack against a creature, that creature can’t make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.
    • Rakish Audacity: Argo's confidence propels him into battle. He can give himself a bonus to his initiative rolls equal to his Charisma modifier. He also gains an additional way to use his Sneak Attack; he doesn't need advantage on the attack roll to use his Sneak Attack against a creature if he is within 5 feet of it, no other creatures are within 5 feet of him, and he doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. All the other rules for Sneak Attack still apply to Argo.
    • Panache: Argos's charm has become extraordinarily beguiling. As an action, he can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by a creature's Wisdom (Insight) check. The creature must be able to hear him, and the two of them must share a language. If Argo succeeds on the check and the creature is hostile to him, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than him and can't make opportunity attacks against targets other than him. This effect lasts for 1 minute, until one of Argo's companions attacks the target or affects it with a spell, or until he and the target are more than 60 feet apart. If he succeeds on the check and the creature isn't hostile to him, it is charmed by him for 1 minute. While charmed, it regards Argo as a friendly acquaintance. This effect ends immediately if he or his companions do anything harmful to it.


  • Actor: Argo has advantage on Deception and Performance checks when trying to pass himself off as a different person. He can also mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. He must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. An Insight check contested by his Deception check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.


Items both currently owned and lost by Argo throughout the show.

Current items[]

These are items currently within Argo's possession as of the most recent episode.

Item First Episode Type Notes
Jodhpurs 1 Armor/Clothing
Rapier 1 Weapon
Scurvy-Free Key 2 Trinket Found in a lime
Florence 4 Weapon A sword that can, twice a day, be enchanted with magic that adds +3 to attack rolls
Slapsidian 13 Weapon An obsidian dagger that can wrap around a wrist, resembling an ornate bracelet. Adds +1 to attack rolls and deals 2d4 + Dex damage.
Monocle of Misdirection 13 Armor/Clothing Can be used once a day to gain advantage on Deception and Insight checks.
True Sight Lenses 26 Enchanted Item/Clothing Grant the wearer true sight for a minute, once per long rest. Made for the boys by Crabtree.
Eavesdrop Ring 26 Enchanted Item/Clothing For 30 seconds, it allows the user to hear through doors, walls, or windows that they put their hand against. Results may vary if the walls are especially thick, or magic wards are in place. Made specifically for Argo by Crabtree.
Climbing Potion 27 Potion Allows the drinker to climb as fast as they can walk. Went unused in the exploration of the Godscar Chasm. May or may not be a "Michael's Secret Stuff" kind of thing.
Literally Just a Janitor's Uniform 31 Armor/Clothing Literally just a janitor's uniform. Adds +2 to Stealth checks and provides advantage on Deception checks.
Hummingbard 31 Enchanted/Haunted Item A small jeweled hummingbird that plays a simple melody, like a person humming, and can follow complex movement commands. After 30 minutes of use, it must recharge for a day.

Known Physical Traits[]

Disclaimer: The McElroys do not consider their versions of their characters any more "canon" than anyone else's - there is no obligation to stick to these in fanart, so please do not be rude to people for ignoring these traits.

Trait Episode Mentioned/Introduced
Human parent (his mother) Episode 1
Long, dark blue hair in ponytail Episode 1
Handlebar Moustache Episode 1
Bluish-green tinted skin Episode 1
Scaling on skin Episode 1
Roguish-looking Episode 1
Jodhpurs Episode 1
Compass Tattoo on right arm with the words "Blood","Bone","Rain" and "Stone" at its points. Episode 7
"‘s kind of a swept back thing. Feathered at

the sides" hair

Episode 20
Webbed toes

A vestigial tail (side to side)

Episode 24
"Shag haircut", with bangs Episode 32
Clarification that his former haircut (see above, Episode 20), was a "kind of" mullet situation Episode 32
"Sea green eyes" Episode 32

Fan Art[]


  • Argo's name comes from the Greek myth of the Argonauts, a band of adventurers that sailed in the ship Argo (named for its builder, Argus) in search of the Golden Fleece, led by the hero Jason. (“Argonaut” means “sailor of the Argo”.)
  • Argo has a deep fear of scurvy, and is therefore obsessed with vitamin-C rich foods like citrus and peppers.
  • Due to an unfortunate incident involving maggots in his bread, Argo was scared to eat non-citrus foods for a while. This fear was vanquished after he tried some pumpernickel bread in Episode 3.
  • Cats scare Argo because he's not used to them (or maybe it's the fish instincts...).
  • His favorite book series is Larry the Lime, which he reads to Fitzroy while he's under the effects of Calhain's curse.
  • Argo often messes up things like the name of the school and Fitzroy's last name; this might be him genuinely forgetting or just poking fun (or maybe it's just Clint).


  • "Yes, that‘s marvelous, isn‘t it? It‘s—do I have to call you Sir? Is that part of the gig?" -Episode 1 (Orientation), upon meeting Fitzroy.
  • "I met someone who was, uh, wanting to—who is training us, and I opened up and told him how excited I am, and he completely shut me down and paid attention to Sir here. It was awesome!" -Episode 1 (Orientation), telling the firbolg about how Jimson favored Fitzroy over him.
  • "And my poor mum left me with nothin‘ when I lost her, so, I uh- I need—I need that coin. Uh, I- I got nobody to help me. I'm in with, y'know, I'm just in dire straits, and, my god, when you threw that coin out there on the desk... I could use that money so badly." -Episode 2 (It's [a] Familiar), making up a reason as to why he stole a coin in a Blame-taking exercise; Argo later reveals this to be the truth, although he did not steal the coin.
  • "Can we have this conversation in private sometime, instead of in front of all my friends here?" -Episode 2 (It's [a] Familiar), after Jackal approaches Argo and says he knows he is not who he appears to be.
  • "Y'know what, though? Telling a pompous guy that he‘s been an ass, that‘s really right in my wheelhouse. I'm gonna tell him!" -Episode 3 (Pursued by Bear), to the firbolg when he asks if they should tell Fitzroy that Goodcastle is probably a scam- they don't end up telling him.
  • "You're doing smashingly well, though! I'm really—I really admire what you've been doing so far." -Episode 3 (Pursued by Bear), encouraging the Firbolg to use his accounting skills during class.
  • "Before you do, can I just say that I love how the three of us have like, come together? Y'know, life on the sea can be a solitary exi—no, that‘s a lie. It‘s not a solitary. In this case, to not be surrounded by so many other people, just a nice, tight-knit group of three. it‘s like we've become a- I don't know, dare I say it, a family. And I appreciate your friendship, and I appreciate you two." -Episode 6 (Long Overdue), to Fitzroy and the firbolg.
  • "Enjoy your book and your kaffee![sic]" -Episode 7 (Secrets, Secrets), saying goodbye to Tomas in a british accent, for some reason.
  • "I'll, uh… out of love for my mom, and in her honor. It‘s—I am—I'm happy to accept this burden and- and be a link. The missing link in your chain." -Episode 7 (Secrets, Secrets), being admitted into The Unbroken Chain.
  • "Yep, this is a Shebby Keene special, here. It‘s uh, cod, actually. Cod jerky. Tell me what you think, cause listen, I can't take a bite of this without thinkin‘ about me mom." -Episode 9 (Mission: Imp Hospital 2- Unfinished Business), offering fish jerky to his friends.
  • "Thanks to my new hero, Fitz, I—I escaped from the brink of death." -Episode 10 (Darks Arts and Crafts), recounting to Buckminster, about how Fitzroy saved his life in Mission Imp Hospital.
  • "I don‘t feel so comfortable spying on him, especially if it‘s gonna lead to something bad happenin‘ to him. He‘s not a bad guy. For an arrogant jerk, he‘s kind of a nice arrogant jerk." -Episode 10 (Darks Arts and Crafts), telling Jackal about how he doesn't want to be a part of the Unbroken Chain if they're going to hurt Fitzroy with the information he gives them.
  • "I didn‘t want to seem like a baby. I didn‘t want to, y'know, be a whiny baby." Episode 11 (Call Me Al), telling Althea why he doesn't express his feelings of being left out to his friends.
  • "I believe—I believe in ya, and- I think that no matter what you failed at before, or what you didn‘t do or what you want to do, you—you have noble intentions." Episode 15 (Out of Order), trying to get Fitzroy to recover from the curse.
  • "Ahaha! Welcome back, boyo." Episode 15 (Out of Order), when Fitzroy recovered from the curse.
  • "The Commodore betrayed me mother. And yeah, you're right, that led to her death. And you're right, that means he murdered her. And I have wanted nothin‘ but revenge on the man. Yes, you're right. That‘s why I went to the school... but I'm- I'm not sure I'm the same genasi that I was when I started all this. I've kind of- I've kind of seen a bigger world." Episode 19, (Creative Writing), admitting his revenge plans to Chaos, and how, since coming to Wiggenstaff's, those plans have begun to change.
  • "Shhhit. I hate that guy." -Episode 20 (Group Assignment), upon seeing The Commodore
  • "There‘s not a day that goes by without me thinkin‘ about her and missin‘ her. And uh, and of course, y'know, whenever I think of her, I uh- think of you, sir!" -Episode 21 (Loose Lips, Sunk Ships), talking to The Commodore through gritted teeth.
  • "I will one hundred percent back you. I'm with you, whatever you want to do." - Episode 22 (Open and Shut), to Fitzroy during the Unbroken Chain's tribunal, specifically about going after the Commodore (but also as proof of how they're relationship has evolved since earlier episodes).
  • "These are proud words, to me, Blowfeld Johnson." - Episode 32 (By a Hair[cut]), to the Commodore, after he tells Bailey Kerns that he trusts Argo with his life.
  • "If you notice, I have this pass - but I'm also a janitor." - Episode 33 (Open up a Can of Firbolg), to Holifer, trying to convince her that he's Literally Just A Janitor.


  1. See: Argo's willingness to join The Unbroken Chain in episode 6, so shortly after Fitzroy disrupts the team dynamic with the announcement of him now being the boss