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Ampersand Five is a Brinarr formed from four Einarr spirits fused with that of the deceased Finneas Cawl. The inclusion of Finneas's spirit has had unclear effects on Ampersand's form; it is known that Finneas was not strong enough to inhabit a Brinarr body on his own, and that he initially invited the other spirits comprising Ampersand as a "timeshare" of sorts. The extent to which these souls became a singular entity prior to the descent of Founders' Wake is unclear, but Ampersand appears to operate differently than Tessellation, the first Brinarr.

While Finneas has retained his strong, adventuresome personality, the other five spirits seem to have coalesced into a more unsure and timid (or at least tired) personality, occasionally exhasperated by Finneas's antics.

Physical Appearance[]

Ambersand Five is a tall, gangly individual, described as being a bit of a "stickbug" compared to other Brinarr, to the extent that their knees often stick out of the water when refreshing in standard Brinarr etherwater pools. Ampersand Five's coral is mostly warm in tone, primarily reds and oranges, and notably contains a threading line extending to a lantern of sorts in their hand, in which Finneas's spirit priarily resides. Some amount of connection still exists between Finneas and the rest of the body, with one able to act as a conduit for the other in psychic and memory-based magic, but the two seem to operate as largely distinct entities.


For the history of Finneas Cawl prior to his becoming part of Ampersand Five in the Ethersea Prologues, refer to the separate Finneas Cawl page. Knowledge of the prior lives of the five other contsituent spirits of Ampersand Five is limited, though all were Einarr living on the Plateau at the time of the Call; one was a shepherd, one a girl playing in the rain. When the Einarr elite brought their people into the ethereal, these five spirits were among those who didn't want to remain without a body, and eventually coalesced into the single consciousness with whom Finneas Cawl eventually cohabitated his Brinarr form.

Since then, Ampersand Five continued to help build Founders' Wake, eventually fleeing below-waters to the new city along with the rest of those on the shore. They apparently have had continued investment in helping the city, and remain friendly with the Ballaster Hermine, even attempting to assist in finding a way to save the giant phytoplankton in The Cradle of the city when they grew sick.


  • Ampersand Five's name is likely a reference to the relationship between Finneas and the Einarr spirits living with him, likely meaning Finneas & 5
  • They are the only Brinarr to contain a non-Einarr soul. This is presumed to be the reason Finneas's consciousness did not merge with the others.