The Adventure Zone Wiki

Aloysius Supreme was the Ballaster of Commerce for Founder's Wake. He was also the owner of the Dreams of Deborah, and implied to have been a member of Crescendo.


Aloysius is described as "a big dude wearing what appears to be a Hawaiian shirt print jumpsuit, and he’s wearing these big, bright, gold glasses" when collecting the Dreams of Deborah.

During the Abyssal Auction, his avatar appeared as a golden wolf.


The Gallery Job[]

Aloysius was the owner of Dreams of Deborah, the ship that Guthrie stole. When Amber, Devo, and Zoox returned with it to Founder's Wake, Aloysius was waiting at the dock. He gives the group the "nastiest stink look, just ooh, the stinkiest face," and climbs onto the ship.

The Abyssal Auction[]

When Amber first meets Aloysius Supreme, he is disguised as a golden wolf at the Abyssal Auction. He is sitting at the bar in the waiting room of the auction hall. Amber tries to built a friendly rapport with him and Devo tries intimidating him, but neither work.

At the auction itself, Devo goads Aloysius into a bidding war for the last known bottle of Hartfield Bordeaux wine; Aloysius spends three hundred Lux on it and wins the auction. Later, they get into another bidding war over a lantern, and Aloysius wins with a twenty-five Lux bid. He bids twenty Lux on the journal, but Devo wins with a bid of twenty-four Lux.

When the auction hall is attacked, Aloysius cowers behind the stage. The Coriolis crew run into him again after killing his the other golden wolves. They encourage him to pay the Cobalt Star for the wine, but Aloysius refuses to do so until it's in his possession. He tries to haggle for it, but Amber stuns him. They pull off his mask and steal his money, then carry his unconscious body back to his ship.

The Menagerie[]

The Coriolis crew go to see Aloysius, hoping that he will be able to point them in the direction of the Auctioneer. He's unhappy to see them, and Devo in particular. After smoothing things over by giving him a rare bottle of wine, Aloysius gives them his ticket to Crescendo after they promise that they will not mention where they got it from.

Aloysius shows up at Crescendo on the Dreams of Deborah a little ways after the Coriolis does so. While he's inside the guarded viewing room. Zoox sneaks on board the Dreams of Deborah and steals it.

Aloysius hails the ship, threatening to shoot the ship down and kill Zoox if he does not bring it back immediately; in response, Zoox hits the self-destruct button on the ship and swims away, destroying the ship, killing Aloysius, and wrecking most of Crescendo.
